I was warned and the masses were right

Six of one, half dozen of the other. Again, I don’t care. If you’re happy with your concept of the two being different, that’s great. Enjoy it how you want. Other people can be happy with their concept of the two and enjoy it for what they want. See, the great thing about an offline, primarily solo game, is you can play the game entirely how you want.

It’s a game, if you feel the need to debate someone’s choices, and tell them to calm down when they analyze yours, perhaps it’s not being so civil? We get it, your answer is the true way, the right way. That’s great. Moving on now.

^ Aye, as Nery said, been using GDStash since AoM released. My only legit char was back in vanilla. I still enjoy the game and am excited to see what the new patches will bring.

I will add that the reason why I don’t feel bored or anything with the game even now, could be because I mostly played it for the story and for the puzzle of making new builds. And given that I still haven’t even tackled non pet builds, I have enough stuff to keep me entertained for atleast another year or so :blush:

Also I have never made chars that you couldn’t get legit. So no 9999 stats, or all skills, or all devotions or anything like that. I just don’t like to grind for loot or repeating the same story on each of my chars through all the difficulties (merits help, but still).

As for my opinion on GDStash itself, I would say it is incredibly valuable for anyone who wants to try experimenting with making their own builds. Pet Battlemage wouldn’t exist without GDStash :3


I don’t use GDStash or dup items, but that’s not for anyone else’s sake or how they view me. It’s for my own personal enjoyment. When I take a build that I developed, using gear that I farmed, and accomplish some of the game’s greatest challenges that’s satisfying to me. I will share those moments because if I can do it, then others can also. I’ve taken two largely self-developed characters to SR 65+, working on a third and just got a double rare MI that gave me a starting point for a fourth, something I was not expecting at all but that intrigues me with the possibilities. That sense of discovery and even anticipation is what I don’t want to lose.

If I load up a template build off of the forum and know exactly what she’s going to be able to do, then it’s a chance to work on my own skills, because I should be able to do the same or better. That has a place in my thinking also.

I use GDStash for 3 things when it comes to “cheating”.

  1. If I get an absolutely garbage rolled Legendary or Epic that I want to use. Then I will open Stash, fill a page entirely with copies of the said item and then pick at least an averagely rolled one out of them. I was not waiting 30+ hours for an item to drop only for nearly everything to roll near the minimal range. Especially for stuff like Physical Resist or Attack Speed. I never get items with perfect rolls from the Stash, just about average so there is still a chance for a better rolled one to drop in the future.

  2. Mythical relics and completion bonuses. Crafting multiple is simply not feasible. I recently crafted ONE Bane relic for like 600-700k Iron and tons of materials and the one I got had useless completion bonus for my build and absolutely garbage rolls. Am I gonna farm another 700k Iron? Hell no. I always craft one Relic legit and then GDStash one with at least average rolls and a completion bonus I want. I really believe that Relics should have static stats with no variation and we should be allowed to pick the completion bonus for them for like 100k Iron and 5 of each rare crafting mat.

  3. Getting augments from factions I am not aligned with for the said character. Yes, I could be allied with one for Normal/Elite and then change it on Ultimate, but it is a pointless waste of time. GDStash gives the same result without having to arbitrarily farm rep and stock up on the augments before changing it up on the last difficulty. Removing the Soul Bound from them would help to do this legit but as it is now? Absolutely not. I always deduct the corresponding amount of Iron (the price of the Augments) from the character when I do this.

These 3 things greatly increase my enjoyment of the game.


I will put my expérience in Grim Dawn.

I have around 4000 hours , i really like GrimDawn.
What i dont like now about Grim Dawn and all the other type of grinding games. Is it take wayyyyyyyy too much time to collect sets items. In the end its not fun, and i think like most of us use programs like GDstash to really enjoy a class.

I’d like to play at least every generic build and there are too many of those in Grim Dawn for me to do it in a legit way. After getting to know all of them I can decide which is my favorite and farm it without cheating.

Btw I’ve used +3 RoH +2 RoK Badge of Mastery in a build and checked what’s the probability of getting one - 1 out of 2916.

When I examine the game itself I see an unending streak of droprate buffs across multiple patches for the last few years straight.


When ypu think about the amount of the items; it is still not easy to get everything. I play since, though I also see a lot of improvements about drop rate/source and also expansion of the whole gears. So yeah they adjusted, they also added new things. And the result? Game still time needy.
I understand most people doesn’t wanna spend time in farming but when you ignore all the add-ons and tools; the game and it’s play style depends on leveling, spending time to kill monsters to get rep etc, farming, create alts and repeat.

No more time needy than any other diablo-like. It’s in the genres DNA.

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What do you expect the game to do? There are over 1000 unique items and let’s say a boss always drops 2. You still need 500 runs to get them all and be lucky they don’t repeat.

LoL, that’s what I’m talking about and getting lynch for; farming, leveling, exploring is in the GD’s soul which is arpg.

And the justification of GDstash users(ofc they are free to use, I’m just questioning their reason to do) farming, leveling etc is boring, time consuming and who need that so use gdstash!

So not sure what you’re talking about. Because I’m trying to defend legit playing as people say time wasting leveling, farming here. I’m saying these aspects are important and they’re the foundation of the game!

You should read the previous posts before posting any comments :slight_smile:

I don’t find levelling up boring, but I do farming for stuff so I don’t do that. I suspect I’m one of the few players on the forum who doesn’t use things like Lokarr’s set, XP potions, etc, to level up faster and I enjoy playing through all 3 difficulties.

Players who use GDStash don’t have to justify their reasons for doing so to anyone. It’s their choice and doesn’t affect anyone else unless they’re stupid enough to use heavily modified items in multiplayer games. Devs have said time and time again the game is moddable so players can play it how they want to. If that’s different to what the devs have in mind, that’s fine. How they enjoy the game is their choice.


You’re perfectly right. They don’t have to and I don’t normally ask anyone why they do so; but since here we are in a thread related to that; people already did those and I read their reasons so just commenting. And I never said no one should use GDstash so please don’t act like I did.

I’m just defending the aspects of the game people said they’re boring and time waste that’s all.

And that is cool and nice :slight_smile: I also do all difficulties(with lokarr and potions) and usually get nemesis/revered with every faction before ultimate to make the whole ultimate level a campaign farm.

I think the “questioning” here is why you feel the need to define “legit” play your way and then defend that. Are you trying to prove something to feel like you are better than others because of how you play?

As @medea_fleecestealer said the real legit play and heart/soul of Grim Dawn is fun. That is undeniably clear from the devs. If you want to give yourself 500 levels and 10 million health points then go for it. If you want to play completely solo self found, have at it. Hell there are a few of us on here who like to play “meme” characters because we create stories based around our completely non-optimized build because it fits a theme we make up.

So go play the game your way. It’s not any more “legit” than @Knife’s way, or Maya’s pets only way or someone’s mods only way or anyone’s way. Having fun is the only way to play.


Completely correct; it’s all about fun and everybody should do as they’re having fun.

And no I’m not better or over any other player; never implied that. I also not waging war to anyone here. We’re just debating and there is no heart feeling on my side and hope that they also feel the same.

Though I’m trying to prove that GD is an arpg. It’s a time consuming game including leveling,farming etc and it’s aim is also to force you to improve your characters as you play and test it on the endgame content/secret bosses/celestials. This is the way that devs choosed while programming. So I’m not sure because I’m not a native but if it is not clear enough, I’m gonna explain all over again;

Opener made a point that consist GDstash ruined his fun.

I commented my thoughts on it as others did.

People mostly stood by GDstash as it never broke the fun of the game for them and praised it as QoL since they don’t have to level,farm,earn rep,depend on RNG etc anymore so they can make better builds etc.

And after that I disagreed with most of them to support the game’s soul. Told them if you’re bored from these aspect then you’re getting bored from the things what makes Grim Dawn as a game even though GDstash makes you better builder, better in end-game and improved your creativity by giving you more freedom; these are only the parts of the game.

I accepted and highlighted multiple times that everyone is free to do whatever they want unless they brag about their extraordinary creation in public places or multiplayer. Like there is a chaos melee pyro recently; with two gdstashed weapons and really high dps. So? I can’t reach that without gdstashing maybe with insane rng two times with same weapon?

And also I know that some people have their limits on gdstash, they do some things and don’t some other. And if everyone can have fferent methods and reasons to use GDstash like that everycan have different reasons to not use GDstash.

But; the game’s basic mechanics and style is same as devs did it at the beginning. I called it game’s soul since they designed it this way.

And people called those features as waste of time. Like who has time to earn rep? Who has time to farm and depend on rng to get shitty rolls, who wants to level a new character from 0-100 right? Since we have gdstash just make it so!

But; these are THE things that game depends on as a genre. Even devs accept everyone’s play style to support diversity they also preserv the game’s soul over the years and patchs. I’m just defending this.

Anyone can use gdstash, and don’t even need to justify their means. They can just say that “I’m lazy.” or “it helps me to maximize my builds.” these are okay and accepted imo. But when they say things like farming is pita; it despises a lot player who farms even right now to get their goal items all around the world and they also depend on RNG.

I’m not saying that no one should use gdstash and never did. There are some people use gdstash to optimize their builds without exceeding the games limits to both test and publish. They helped a lot of player with their builds and GDstash also helped people to test the game mechanics which I also appreciate that. And they just need to say like that and all is okay.

What do you do when someone who borned rich say like oh you poor people have to work and spend your whole time to earn money? That’s buzzkiller man, life is so much fun when you don’t spend your precious time to unneccesary things like gathering the materials you need…

And obviously that’s why I’m defending the play style without gdstash as there are lots of players sweats their guts out to get some set items with good rolls.

And I’m aware all the talk about ‘‘this is the way’’ is nonsense, it’s already a joke but no one watched Mandalorian I guess?
But eventually organic leveling, farming, praying to RNG are the natural playstyle of the game. Yeah devs developed it in time and keeping to do so. I just supported and supporting Grim Dawn is a time consuming game; it’s how devs made it. You need explore, farm, level and repeat even to finish just one build by all alone. Ofc people do trade and help each other in multiplayer which is also a good feature. If I got something unnecessary for me why shouldn’t I give to another who needs the exact item? Helping each other also compensates the bad rng without gdstash.

And RNG isn’t a bad thing. It’s just like life. Ofc no computer can replicate the pure chaotic randomness but it’s close enough. You get what you get, not what you deserve.

This is the way, this is the purpose of the game, this is the soul of the genre.

What i would like to see ( my preference)
When you kill a hard boss, you know that it will drop the item that your looking for and not do that same run again and again…

I’m not saying I agree with this but this could work with MIs, because the variety of prefix/suffix means you can still make more runs to try to get the targets you want. But this wouldn’t work at all for things like the Magi Rings or the Outcasts helm or Alkamos Rings because they’re designed to be rare and powerful (and very specific) so they would be too easy to get.

I don’t think anyone is criticizing how YOU want to play the game at all. I think everyone is taking you to task for feeling what you define as ‘the soul of the game’. It sounds a bit elitist to be honest.

The soul of the game plain and simple is FUN. That’s it. Everything else is wrapped up in that as I’ve already explained. The devs have given us a playground and ENCOURAGE people to play how they see fit. If you want to play within the borders. GREAT. If you want to move the boundaries of the playground and expand them in some way shape or form, great! Is the essence of a playground to only sit on the swing and go forward and backward? I can guarantee you nearly every kid on the planet is going to figure out ways to make that fun, for them, including taking the chains off, installing ramps up to the top of the swing bar and riding their bikes over it (guilty as charged.)

I started to use GD stash because I got so much items I can already make most builds, all it takes is leveling, farming reputation and ugdenblooms which bores me. I am more interesting in theorycrafting, checking builds limits, testing my owns limits and increasing skill.

I don’t treat GD as singleplayer game anymore too, it’s basically offline multiplayer - I post builds online and discuss with people, without GD stash it wouldn’t be really possible. I don’t want to farm hours for components then doing it again after changing some things in build.


LoL really? If you said conservative, I would accept since my approach is even though I’m not as a person.

Yeah exactly, for example when I was 4-5 I played doom 1. My father thought me how to run the game on msdos so I played a lot, but it was a really hard game for the time; never progress further. Then started to use the immortality keys etc to finish it. Now I’m well aware of that playing with cheats is not the proper way, because I experimented back then now I can say that use only game provides you to increase the challenge.

And as a concept experimenting is one of the most important thing in human development. I did and do experiment in every aspect of my life but in games? Taking chains off? Really? For example if you create a character that can one-hit ravager what does it good for exactly? What will you learn from this experiment? losing chains is good only in real life.