I would like to kindly request for a standalone loot mod

First things first. I’m new to these forums so I have no idea if this is even the right place to post a request for a mod, so I hope this is ok. I’ve been looking for a mod that just adjusts the drop rates of all items from the base game to the latest expansion and only the drop rates, every other mode I’ve seen either adds something else like a new class or exp boosts that make the game way too easy. I thought I found one with the Smash n Grab loot only mod but it only hits on the base game and hasn’t really been updated in like forever so I’m hoping there’s already one around and I just haven’t found it. Cause I have no idea how to edit all the values myself and was hoping that someone way more experienced than me could create a standalone loot mod that just boosts the drop rates by like x5 from the base game to the latest expansion. Anyway, hope someone sees this.

Somebody updated smash-n-grab for Forgotten Gods. It works fine.

Scroll down to the Optional Files and find the first “just loot” one.

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Saw this really late, thx mate.

Looks like that mod is hidden now?

I have the same request. It’s quite strange that GD still hasn’t got a basic loot mod.

Smash ‘n’ Grab is still around and did get updated to FG

Whether it’ll run on I don’t know.