Idea: wagon shop preservist building changes

After more then 200 hours I still love the game. I have some thoughts on potential improvements for two mechanics, curious what you think.

If the wagon shop is online, a cow just “spawns” for each created wagon. It would be nice to provide real cows or horses from barns to wagons. I understand that wagons are required way before livestock is online though, so what could work is to have the wagon driver tow its own wagon at the start. Making it possible to upgrade the wagon with a cow or horse later on, greatly improving the wagon’s speed and carying capacity.

As a second point right now it looks like the peservist building is basically useless, as glass costs a lot to make and I don’t think villagers prioritize food which is about to spoil. Two ways a preserverist building could be made more useful are:

  1. Somehow fix villager food prioritization so that they don’t eat food which won’t spoil in the next year or so unless there is nothing else to eat nearby.
  2. Once food from glassware is eaten, return the glassware to stock so that it can be reused. There is no reason why a glass jar would disappear once its contents are eaten right?

Future archaeologists hate you. :astonished:

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