I'm planning on reading Dostoevsky's work. Any recommendations on where to start?

What’s a good book of his to start with?

It’s few years i have the same idea but i never start. I’m keeping an eye on this thread, maybe this is the right moment to start.

‘If not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?’


Yeah my problem is i’m lazy to start but once i’ve taken the first steps i enjoy the trip to the end. Well not always if i find the book uninteresting, but it never happened with “classics”.

For what it worths i’ve always tought to start with “l’idiota” don’t know the english title " the idiot?"

Idiot is very good. But its very long read and gets pretty stale.
i also recommend Crime and Punishment.

Any idea on how to approach it?

Is there a certain context/subtext one must first understand to eke out the most of his work?

For example, I know a little bit about his history (like how the bro was damn near executed, etc.), and how that memory forever altered his person.

But yes - how would you, having read the book, advice me to approach it, sir?

Start with “Игрок” . Short and can give you idea if you want to read moar =) . “Бесы” is also on my recommendation list. Stay away from “Братья Карамазовы” =)

Ok. I can’t read russkie, so google translate yielded this - ‘player’

You messing with me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Gambler <_<

Here is “il giocatore”

“The Gambler”. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s been a fair few years now since I read any Dostoevsky, but I also remember enjoying The Gambler, so I…guess that’s a recommendation from me too? Even though it’s been long enough that I can’t even really remember that much of it at all. :stuck_out_tongue: Crime and Punishment was pretty good as well. Of course, then there’s the issue of making sure you get a half-decent translation…I imagine most of them are probably fine though.

Yeah, I couldn’t get into The Brothers Karamazov at all. People say it’s good and all, but I just found it to be a massive slog. :eek:

Ok. Again, how would you approach it?

If I’m gonna read his shit, Imma read the shit out of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally, I just opened at page 1 and started reading. If there is a “proper” way to read Dostoevsky, I don’t know what it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

At least, I don’t particularly remember anything that I didn’t understand as a result of not having prepared or researched Dostoevsky properly beforehand. I suppose there might be a few historical Russian terms you might not know, and keeping track of character names could be a bit tricky if you’re not familiar with Russian diminutives/nicknames, but it ain’t too bad overall. :slight_smile:

(though again, it’s been years since I read any of these, so my memory might be a little fuzzy :stuck_out_tongue: )

Alright guys. I’m gonna throw myself into the deep end of the russian literary pool here, and hope I don’t drown. :rolleyes:

Hopefully, the 4 years I spent studying philosophy in pre-med will be of use.

Thanks so much for the response!

I made that mistake at university and now my head is full of useless shit.

Philosophy is great! How is it useless?

It’s been the most educational 4 years of my life - it’s given me a huge advantage in medical school as well. Half my peers can’t think. I feel sorry for their patients.

Yeah i was trying to be somewhat ironic but looks like i sucked at it.

Nah bro. Probably just the lack of context because we are typing words on a forum. :rolleyes:

I can’t even google translate that. Hahaha

@Mods: sorry for posting this in the wrong subsection of the forums!