I'm sorry, but I really don't like to be nagged by a game

Sorry to be a complainer, but is all this really necessary?

Message comes up telling me my villagers (all 26 of them) can’t find storage for food or produced goods, and I should build more storehouses. I have 26 population. I have a storehouse a barely 1% full. I have a market with plenty of room, too. I have two smokehouses and a root cellar.

I don’t need any more storage for food (which is getting eaten right away) or processed goods (which consist of bows, arrows, planks, coats, and shoes – all items that, at this point, are going to be used almost as soon as they are created). I have plenty of storage space and don’t need more right now.

Message comes up telling me my villagers don’t have room to store raw materials and I should build stockyards. I have a stockyard that is barely filled, maybe 1 or 2 %. These raw materials (wood and stone) are being used as soon as they come in because I am building homes, necessary storage, or industrial and commercial buildings that I need right away. There’s no need for this message.

Message comes up telling me I need a graveyard to bury the dead. I have construction in progress on one, about halfway done. No need to be nagged about it.

The nagging messages themselves stay up too long, and block a significant portion of the screen. If they must appear, can’t they appear in upper left like all the other messages? And maybe they could be more brief and less nagging, maybe something like “You could be low on storage for [whatever].”

I know the messages are intended to be helpful, particularly to new players. But they just are a bit much, and particularly irritating when they are irrelevant because of action already taken. Please, please, stop nagging us.

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Usually it happened to me because of water. I would deselect water in every place (except the initial storage wagon) so when a fire took place they wouldn’t flood the storage with it.

My guess is that one of the resources (would be nice if the message told you which one) is unchecked everywhere (not that you are missing of actual storage space).

… or a bug …

You can select which announcement you want and don’t want to see in the user interface options.

Doesn’t affect those. I have all notifications turned off and I still get these messages.


Then it appears that they need to tweak the Notifications interface. We should be able to turn off any notifications that we don’t want or need at any time in the game. As the OP says, anything else is just massively annoying after a (very short) time.

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Nope. I have some unchecked in the storehouse because they are checked in the market, the smokehouse, and the root cellar. There isn’t anything that I have unchecked everywhere EXCEPT weapons, which I do not need because I’m playing in Pacifist mode. And if that’s the problem, then an adjustment should be made for those of us who are playing in Pacifist mode. If I don’t need weapons, I should not have to allocate storage space for them. Unchecking them everywhere was not a problem before 0.8.0.

And, yes, it would be nice if the message would tell us exactly which item may be the problem.

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Your hunter uses weapons (bow/sword) nevertheless and if, by switching places of the lodge or by reassigning a new hunter to the building, the “old” hunter wants to stash the weapons back to storage he can’t due to it be unchecked at all places. For that matter I do have bows, arrows and swords checked. The other weapons and armour are usually unneccessary in peace mode.

Don’t expect any sympathy.

The game is designed to fuck with you as much, and as hard, as possible.

To stab you in the back, and then kick you in the teeth when you are down.

It aways gives the player the worst possible ‘advice’ at the most critical moment.

It pays no attention whatsoever to food stores or firewood supply yet will tell you ‘with a straight face’ to build more houses and increase your population.

The nagging?

It’s a feature, not a bug.

[quote=“Celebrindan, post:9, topic:123912, full:true”]
Don’t expect any sympathy.

Not looking for any, really.

[quote=“Celebrindan, post:9, topic:123912, full:true”]
The game is designed to fuck with you as much, and as hard, as possible.

Depending on your level of play.

[quote=“Celebrindan, post:9, topic:123912, full:true”]
To stab you in the back, and then kick you in the teeth when you are down.

Again, depending on your level of play.

It aways gives the player the worst possible ‘advice’ at the most critical moment.

LOL! Yes, it does do that. But it doesn’t have to sit there for too long, and it doesn’t have to obliterate the upper third of the screen. Why can’t these messages be in the upper left, like most of them are? And it would be nice if we could go into the settings and turn them off, as we can do with the other messages. These can’t be turned of in settings. Yet.

[quote=“Celebrindan, post:9, topic:123912, full:true”]
It pays no attention whatsoever to food stores or firewood supply yet will tell you ‘with a straight face’ to build more houses and increase your population.

That’s good to know.

It’s not a bug. It’s an irritant.

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Well, yes, I forgot to mention that I do keep bows and arrows checked.

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