Immigration has become very rare

Hello everyone, is it just me, or have residents wandered into the village less often since the patch? The same applies somehow to the offspring, who grow up much more slowly. Have you had a similar experience with it, or is it just me?

We’ve been talking about it in the Public Play Testing section as well. Seems to be a design decision.

Well, that’s all well and good, but there is plenty of living space, but the population is growing incredibly slowly, so that it takes several years for 1 or 2 people to become workers. So the ratio is a bit extreme, isn’t it?

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My experience (admittedly, in only one 8.0 game so far) is that the Base birth-rate and Immigration are much, much slower than 7.6, but Immigration, especially, can be increased dramatically with the right conditions. I was getting 0 - 2 Immigrants per year, and going, as others have experienced, 2 - 3 years with 0 population increase. Then I got up an average 7 - 10 months’ supply of Food on hand and 50 - 75 ‘empty’ Housing available, and I started getting 8 - 12 Immigrants at a time and the Birth Rate appears to have gone to an average of 3 per year (with a base population of just under 300, which if the ghastly Infant Mortality Rate of the Medieval period is factored in, is not out of line).

As said, this is only one game, one set of figures, and maybe things like having a complete defensive wall around the settlement and keeping health up, desirability up, rats down and all Raiders out of the city proper also had something to do with it - there are a lot of variables potentially at play in making the town ‘attractive’ to Immigrants . . .

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That sucks.

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Quick Update: played another 5 years in that game this afternoon, and as long as I kept a Food Supply above 6 months’ supply on hand, and about 20 - 25% Empty Housing (60 - 75 places in a total population of 300), I averaged 10 - 15 Immigrants per year and a steady birthrate of 3 per year , or 1% live births per year and 3 - 5% Immigration. This is definitely less than in 7.6 under the same conditions, but not dramatically so: I think the highest Immigration total I got in 7.6 was 15 at once and the average was about 20 or so per year with a slightly smaller base population (so, about 6 - 10% per year).

It has been nerfed for sure, but that’s a good thing I feel.

I was able to get 150 pop for level 3 by year 7 on 0.7.x but the best I have done since in 0.8.x is the end of the 9th year.

But here is the thing. My town was much better developed and ready the new tier with the slightly slower build. I do think its for the best.

I sure must have had super-right conditions in my game at one point, at least – all of a sudden, I had 21 immigrants wanting to come in! Never had seen that before; most I ever got before was 12.

Built five extra houses.
AI dribbled out births (non-labor mouths to feed) over the next several years until I had only seven spaces left.
All while telling me to increase my labor pool.
Eight new people then showed up seeking shelter.
‘It’s a feature, not a bug.’

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There are 3 ways to gain pop. (work in progress)

Births - require 1 space in 1 house (more = chance of more)

Seasonal immigration - (rng check every season (winter??) - conditional on housing (possibly 1 empty house), food (possibly min 4 months), and (even fuzzier), happiness and or minimum needs met (including specific production buidings i.e cobbler, tanner low tier)

Immigration waves - conditional on various factors but usually require specific buildings or capacity of pop (not actual pop)

The long an the short, it is a tad complicated

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You can get consistent immigration of 2-3 people per year as long as you keep your food amount high (8-10 months worth) and have lots of spare housing. If you have 50 villagers have another 50 places free. In the mid and end game it seems you don’t have to worry about this as much.

I really don’t like to overproduce and build that much houses. For me the problem starts at Tier 2, I find that it’s breaking the nice flow of building up your settlement, I hope they will change it back. I quit my last game because I don’t want to wait years for new settlers or speed up the game till something happens. :frowning:

That’s a shame Wadmauz, I actually quite like the slower pace at that level. The challenge of moving folks about from job to job all the while hoping the next raid won’t wipe out half the town.

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