Immigration problem

I run into a problem where I am not getting any immigration, just lots of babies not what I need. I finally got the school house built and waiting for the teacher to arrive. (Getting desperate down to one labour and one builder :slight_smile: ) How do I speed up immigration? I read online that certain events, seen this as well, will trigger an immigration. Does any one know the triggers?

I found that when i buy large amounts of food from the early spring trader i tend to get immigrants that year. It may have been a coincidence tho.

Well the initial event suggests that having lots of free space and lots of extra food are the triggers for immigration, and I can state that I did once get two sets of people in one year when I had 18 months worth of food, so those two would be my guess.

In my opinion, you should prepare lots of food (3~6 months for sure) and some empty
houses. It might increase your immigration.

Normal family is two adults and some kids, which means you can calculate one house
only for two people living.

Yep done that but that I believe is more of a help with the baby boom. Ok one people to two people is not a baby boom. :slight_smile:

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