IMO, 'Kaisan, the Eldritch Scion' nemesis boss needs a damage buff when compared to 'Father Kymon'


When testing on them both, I noticed they both deal almost identical damage to my health bar. Actually, it seems like Father Kymon has stronger regular attacks when compared to the Kaisan nemesis boss. The only heavy kind of damage Kaisan seems to do is poison. “P.S, I have 80+ resists…” But Father Kymon all around deals heavy damage no matter what type of attack. I feel like Kaisan is too tall and too pudgy to let Father Kymon ‘beat him at his own game’ so to speak. None the less, he seems to be one of the more challenging nemesis bosses in this game and I like his character design. Definitely one of the most fun nemesis bosses to encounter… and he talks crazily.

Um… no!

In SR he’s an absolute bitch. But Kaisan’s thing is that he’s resistant to everything so it makes sense that he won’t do as much damage as like reaper. He’s still more damaging than the vanilla nemeses tho, like moose.

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It’s good,that you put option,are you kidding me?

I guess you never fought Kaisan with all his crystals spawned?:stuck_out_tongue:

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If you meet him in Campaign, he is more challenging than the classic Nemesis which is quite fine. You can kite him away from his shards, but because of his really high resistances compared to other Nemesis he will still live a little bit longer.

Can´t say for Crucible but in SR…oh well. Not only that he does a lot of damage you have to kite him away from his shards and when you blink in the wrong direction (or better: blink in the reach of his shards) you got a problem.

So, No. Definitely not.

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I tested in SR with some S&B builds, and still i can die if he spawns his poison crystal.

Furhter more kymon the father is a bitch he can debuff your defense abbility, thats why he is so nasty.

General consensus in this thread is that he’s harder than most nemesi.
But relative to Father Kymon he comes out even or weaker.

So I think a better question is: Should Father Kymon be as strong as a nemesis?

are you kidding me?
Best. Option. Ever.

Kai needs a nerf to his acid bolt pronto. Undodgable one-shot? Grava at least telegraphs his doomballs. With Kaisan it’s usually: he jumps you, debuffs you, drops his crystals, you try to gtfo, he one-shot acid bolts you and you die. Or just: he one-shot acid bolts you and you die.

Yes. I completely agree he needs major buffs. Heck include all nemesis bosses :wink: The world needs to be a grim place

I do agree that Kaisan doesn’t deal damage if it comes to his auto attacks.

I also don’t think the Doom bolt is the problem there - Conjurer, overcapped elemental, slightly overcapped everything else, ~50% pierce, aether and chaos, -14% acid (before Blood of Dreeg) and only 2500 DA. His max hit on me, I believe it was SR 65+, was about 6 - 7k and it probably was a crit.

His skill:

His % damage (78% in MC):


Make his DB 100% dmg to health.:slight_smile:

jk aside, if yo overcap acid res and you don’t get crit, it’s ok

Depends,if you can’t kill him quick enough,he’ll drain your life with these crystals.And if you’re on place with multiple debuffs or tight space,it could be lethal.

Yes, at that point you can try to gamble and push on or,

go away 11m or so:D, and then DooM Bolt!

It’s nice how they made this muchanic

He’s harder in SR because of all the traps and enemies around him. I died to him in SR because of all the traps and enemies buffing him up. He’s easier in campaign because you can catch him alone and wail on him. I’ll have to post a video of it…:p:p:p

I overcap acid more religiously than aether these days… I heard this Tinker’s belt helps but I’m not into that, you know, switching gear mid-fight.

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Well, I used ot on Belgo for SR 80, provided it bumps up your regen to 1500-1700.

But lotus is great too, especially with new Dryad which I used in the Calla kill

In campaign mode you can walk away from them and fight Kaisan safely in another spot, and he’s quite weak compared to other nemesis.
In SR this can be hard to accomplish due to small arenas and enemy density and those green shards are F****NG NASTY, so many deaths have been caused with their contribution.
So, IMHO, Kaisan should be buffed but the green Eldritch Shards (that’s the name?) nerfed.

imo father kymon is the issue here, not kaisan
his burn can be hard to arm yourself against, esp on his leap
I’m not saying it should be nerfed but I do suppose it is a bit weird for him to be ‘on par’ with a nemesis boss