you can’t copy paste chars into the “cloud” folder/steam save folder, only the documents folder
cloud/steam save folder chars must be imported via the ingame function
if you’re duping chars it probably means you did the custom mode trick, and if it’s then causing issues, probably just don’t do this
when you’re downloading chars, it’s important the folder structure is correct
*i’m not saying you necessarily doing it wrong, just mentioning it because i’ve seen that be the very issue several times
seems like it might depend on the method of extraction, so some people/systems need to pull the char folder manually a layer deeper than others that just extract it “as is” straight in the right structure (guessing it depends on the tool used to extract the zip?)
either way it must be the _name folder that is used without a prior nor another name sub folder
so it’s “_name/player.gdc(and world folders)” that goes into the save/main folder; and always the save → main folder
if you then insist on playing with steam cloud on (Grim Dawn ingame setting), then you must import the doc saves like this
edit. sniiiped by Medea