Improve prioritization

Please add the ability to assign tasks ranked priority. For example priorities could be ranked 1-5, 5 being the highest priority. So if there are 5 tasks that need to happen then I can set the priority for each one and laborers will complete in that order before returning to their normal duties.

The current priority system seems to break when population increases beyond 300. Even if you mark something as priority tasks seem to go unnoticed for years


I would really like to be able to select a close by laborer and right click a project nearby and make them go and do that right away, one time I had some laborers stuck on a area that they were flattening and when I placed a new area to flatten under them to hopefully make them have a path off they just stood there and starved

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Yes I agree with the priority of tasks add on. This would make it a little more optimized and also allow for our spin on what our laborers are doing.

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