Improvement ideas

I made a login just to post this, and my goal is to suggest things not thought of already. First, I really love the game, and have around 500 hours total. I will try to keep brief, but there are 31 items. The first 6 things I really want to see!

  1. Road progression: Dirt > Gravel > Brick > Cement (gravel acts as cobble, and the last 2 only increase animal cart or wagon, and cavalry movement speed incrementally)
  2. Sheep please (change up goats?), wool replaces leather coats for winter or fancier clothes.
  3. Deep mines as regular mine upgrades? Mineral number generation is weird too, maybe a simple 8192random (or shift right 13 binary digits) where a single chevron is >2000 minerals, 2 chevron > 4000, and 3 > 6000. Deep mine might add 32768random (or shift right 15)
  4. Wall progression: Palisade > Brick Berm > Cement > Armored (Brick Berm is a duel wall of brick with sand or dirt sandwiched between as used by the Red Fort, cement layers on brick, armored is iron shielding)
  5. Terracing as land leveling? Uses stone to create a retaining wall, raise land to highest or lowest level in selected area.
  6. Upgrade from the basket shop to animal pulled cart shop. (the cart holds the baskets, and this allows for faster movement via the higher road tiers)
  7. Cobble roads and stone walls are nice as decorations, maybe with a desirability boost.
  8. Corn and potatoes as crops please.
  9. Ballista towers, one hit kills but fire rate a quarter of arrows maybe?
  10. Jewelry shops (another use for gold).
  11. Berry farms (they go out and gather wild berry plants into a form or orchard structure)
  12. Mushroom farms (as above)
  13. Nut orchards (as above)
  14. School upgrade to University? (I see scholar on the worker list, so probably already planned)
  15. Rat catcher upgrade to animal control? (later game anti boar & bear maybe)
  16. Tier 3 well, deep well? (increased water replenish)
  17. Brewery upgrade to distillery? (medical and liquor applications)
  18. Pub upgrade to tavern? (liquor sold for more income but more drunks… it is the middle ages)
  19. Wagon shop upgrade to teamster shop? (greater capacity and speed)
  20. Granary upgrade to silo?
  21. Forager upgrade allows replanting items into farm or orchard plots? (where applicable)
  22. Fisher upgrade to fish farmer? (“fertilize lakes” or feed fish, use flax nets to contain)
  23. More fruit tree honey output please, and maybe structure the orchards like farm fields.
  24. Brickyard upgrade to brick press? Faster production, stronger bricks.
  25. Book binder upgrade to printing press? Newspaper “the daily grind”.
  26. Scout towers? Increase view range and a built in temp shelter.
  27. Have a hospital worker on horseback solely on wounded body collection.
  28. Festival pole tier 3, Games and Events plaza? More desirability or income.
  29. Allow cabbage to be preserved, just like sour krout or kimchi.
  30. Beautification guild addition, 100 gold per person per month, but adds 1 desirability per person within radius of effect (end game cash dump).
  31. Ultimate project: Hanging gardens. Lots of resources to build, 40 workers to maintain, but produces some spices, and lots of fruit and root vegetables.

Probably all on your radar, but hopefully something sparks ideas. I’m all for seeing this great game become greater yet.


All very good suggestions. Would be a nice addition to the game.

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