Improving greens

Some MI’s like belts of Brandis, Ygraad and Ordas for example are locked in rogue dungeons and they don’t drop every single time from the respective boss. You also need skeleton keys to get them. Yet other belts for different classes are very easily obtainable, for example Ugdenbog Girdle for the Soldier. MI’s that drop from single boss especially in locked areas should have 100 % chance to drop to make it more equal with the easily farmable items of the same kind.

Also with a lot of new MI’s added there could be a change in color for them to distinguish them easily from other loot. Orange for example or something else.

Please write also your own suggestions that should be made regarding greens and MI’s. So that we can make greens great :slight_smile:

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Yeah green MI’s from “hard to get” bosses should be 100% imo BUT if chance to get rare affix becomes higher, maybe its not needed

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I support 100% drop for green MIs.

I just don’t understand what you are talking about with the filter. Just uncheck the magic filter box and then you get “always show single rare items”

Maybe I am wrong about that and just don’t understand properly the difference between yellows and greens :slight_smile: I edited the main post, it was just my ignorance :slight_smile:

But we have green belts and if they have two magic affixes they are still green and not yellow, so perhaps I am not that wrong about it actually. But it may be because they are MI’s. Confusing really…

For MI’s there could be an option to only show single rares.

I agree that green MI’s from “hard-to-reach” bosses should drop with 100% chance. Sometimes the only thing needed is conversion and not affixes (or they’re not so important).
So +1 from me.
And I also vote for increasing drop chances of items like Alkamos’ rings, Magi’s rings etc as very often you farm bosses not for getting an item with better stats than you have now but just to get it for the very first time. And this can be super-frustrating.


Yeah those rings are unobtainable. Somebody on the forum had a nice idea of creating rings that have as the only stat a conversion and you roll regular affixes for them. That could be really useful.

Holy crap give this guy/gal a cookie. Spot on!!!

This is regards to conversion rings, which I totally agree with and have stated in several threads!

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For a variety of enemies we have seen proper scaling of MI drop rates proportional to their source occurrence in the world. Due to the unusual length of PV I see a higher droprate as a good improvement for these belts.

It is not only the belts but Slathsarr’s Crest and a lot of other MI’s hidden in the rogue dungeons.

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What’s the time for rushing to kill slathsarr from a fresh load in? While I like Loxmere as a reference point for good MI drop rates (accounting for the need of two weapons) the easier to find nemeses aren’t terribly out of line as a reference point.

PV on the other hand is just ages of walking.

Loxmere doesn’t always spawn, that should be changed too.

I’d either take an increase in drop rate or for some of these hard-to-farm MIs to guarantee a rare affix, both changes might make it too easy to get good (but not BiS) MIs a bit too easy to obtain. That said though, I agree with the sentiment that getting a Vigorous Chains of Ordas of Mending or similar as a drop is pretty disappointing.

It’s also worth considering which MIs can be bought from vendors around the world as these are easier to farm than ones that can only be dropped.

Loxmere’s spawn rate combined with the chance of equipping multiple daggers is nicely tuned against how accessible he is. Increasing his spawn rate could only come with a decrease to loxblade equip rates or we’d have the grandest outlier of an MI drop rate that you could not match others to without having them drop multiple copies each kill.

I didn’t know that.

Also with a lot of new MI’s added there could be a change in color for them to distinguish them easily from other loot. Orange for example or something else.

Edit - I will add this to the main post.

Some components are orange though

Then different colour.

Unlikely. Been asked for before.

Some symbol as mentioned in that discussion could be OK as well.

Being able to check lox roughly once a minute at a (vaguely remembering) 60% spawn rate and a combined 58% chance to equip daggers yields an effective drop rate around 35% per run. Or something like 3 min per loxblade. Consider that you need two vs. a 2hander setup and we can extrapolate this to 6 min per a single general piece which feels about right when you look at the time it takes to clear most roguelikes (except the thrice damned PV)