not sure i get your meaning
are you trying to suggest that chaos judgment would somehow be better on shieldbreaker ? (with/without chaos BWC?)
or we trying to nail home that chaos judgment just sucks no matter how we built around it
One could try and test run the chaos judgment, but in all honesty, I always feel like judgment has been a secondary, not a primary attack.
Sure you could reduce its cooldown for the fire version to less than around 2 secs or smth like that but still. It could definitely get some buffs tho, I never was against any buffs.
Let me put it differently. Lets take for example… Octavius set. You can build a very good paladin, you can build a very good shieldbreaker, you can build a very good warlord. For IK you can build a very good shieldbreaker, you can build a very good… Oh wait. See my point?
no, as i’ve mentioned before
you can build a decent pyro, purifier, etc etc etc
“as long as we stick to bwc”
hence why i was asking if this was chaos judgment specific, or if this was another dig at teh set being “useless” outside shieldbreaker
On a somewhat related note, I would once again like to propose that something be done about Mythical Wyrmbone Handguards. Cause they make no damn sense. Fire BWC has no reason to try convert Lightning to Fire, so the mod is completely wasted on it. Same goes for Chaos or Vitality variants. The only build that has any use whatsoever for the mod that I can think of is Lightning BWC using the BWC Conduit. Which will be converting Fire to Lightning on BWC anyway, so if the gloves had flat Fire damage on them instead of Lightning, Lightning BWC wouldn’t feel any different. The mod is essentially designed solely to boost Lightning BWC and exclude every other BWC variant and that seems like a waste.
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