Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my post.
As I tried out various classes, I found that I fell in love with the fiery carnage of the demolitionist. As such, I would very much like to make the first build I play through the game with a demolitionist-focused build. I’ve tried a Purifier and while it feels extremely strong, I despise the gameplay that revolves around Inquisitor’s Seal. But at the same time, I feel like playing a Purifier without that skill is akin to bringing a knife to a gunfight. So, for now I’m putting this character aside.
What I’m looking for is a second mastery with at least decent synergy with the demo mastery. I’ve looked through most beginner builds on this forum and elsewhere, but they almost always end up having either a focus on Inq Seal or on an auto-attack build without bombs.
I was fiddling with a Shieldbreaker build focused around Mortars and EoR to build towards. My thinking behind the build is as follows;
Mortar Trap & Thermite mine last a long time and are both invincible pets. During which time EoR and Guardians provide additional damage + RR. In case of kiting, EoR is substituted by Flashbang. In both cases potentially make use of the Pet Attack command to focus fire. Guardians are there mostly to provide RR through the innate skill + Eldricht Fire.
My biggest concern with this build is that it heavily relies on Blast Shield, Resilience skills and the Chariot of the Dead/Behemoth devotions for survivability.
Would this even work or is it a case of ‘Don’t even try’?
Is this enough survivability (not counting gear and resistances)?
Is there gear that supports this gameplay?
Please note that this isn’t supposed to be a min-max world record kind of build. Only a fun build for a beginner that can get me through the campaign and maybe dabble a little bit in end-game content untill I go for other builds that would focus more on min-maxing.
Or is this also inefficient gear-wise? Or are builds in GD always focused solely on a single skill due to gear? Sorry, I’m completely clueless when it comes to high level gear.
I’ve also been looking at a Sorcerer, but couldn’t really find a way to make it work. Could I ask for some pointers? Not asking for a full guide or anything, just some pointers to get me going in the right direction
Sorcerers are amazing at immobilizing and debuffs, with flash freeze and trozans ability to freeze and flashbangs confusion and other debuffs, on top of BWC, and have great proc chance potential for debuff devotion abilities like Rumor, Eldritch fire, Aetherfire, etc.
I made a sorcerer for debuffs only and it wound up being on of my strongest guys
Go with Sorc as others have suggested if you really like Demo. It’s a really good kiting build with decent survivability once you get used to positioning and using your defensive skills at the right time.
@arcane_undo Thanks. That does sound like fun. I think Im might try that.
@Knife Also looks fun, but for now I want to avoid multiple damage types such as Trozan’s Sky Shard and focus on a single damage type (fire) for my first build. I’ll deal with damage conversion on a later build or if I ever take this character to a point where I want to change it up.
And Kuma, the build you linked to seems to be the exact opposite of what would be useful to a complete beginner in Grim Dawn. I for one don’t even know what ‘Storm Beacons’ are. And it also seems heavily focused on Crucible gameplay. I’ll try a less ‘creative’ build first, before I begin to dabble in those types of builds.
No problem man, but in case you are curious here he is.
Started building him back when Mind Control has a few more options in the game, designed after Inoichi Yamanaka from Naruto (Ino’s dad, if you’re into the show). The whole intent originally was to manipulate enemies with Mind Control, thusly I was super pumped for the Codex of Truths and Empowered Devil’s Charm, however as Mind Control was removed and replaced with Confuse on most sources, his focus became debuffs in general, specifically Confuse, Stun, Freeze, RR, Slow, and various others as well as DoTs.
I will say despite multiple damage types, in a squad this guy is fantastic. I abandoned him before completing the build, in favor of new ideas. He is not yet Ultimate capable but, he’s on the way.