Instadeath on elite death from aetherial vanguard in malmouth

I really can’t explain this death other than it being a bug, the second i kill the elite it’s like it’s executing a player kill command Twitch
the char Elementalist, Level 95 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator


wth OFF’d you ? @_@

on death proc from the elite I assume, but on enemies that should only be a freeze and no RR

Um, well he does cast Chilling Surge, which apart from having a steep -25% Physical Resist effect (which is a bit much), does not do that much damage on its own, especially out in the campaign world. You do also seem to have a curse on you, though unclear in this recording who cast it.

It is possible your resists were lowered in just the right moment to get hit by something else that did heavy physical damage? Even slowing it down, it’s hard to dissect.

I did notice that, too but was unsure how much RR it is in 1.2. If it’s not reducing physical res though, I don’t really see myself getting oneshot by any of the titans. And none of the other mobs on the screen should be able to deal any significant damage. It’s obviously hard to see, but I don’t think the titans are even attacking me in the frame that kills me.

The reason why I bring this one up specifically is: We encountered similar deaths in season 4. Three incidents in total. People were dying in the exact frame when an aetherial vanguard elite was killed, in malmouth. At the time we thought it’s maybe related to the mod, but couldn’t figure it out, then in season 5 we didn’t have a single incident happen like that. Now this death reminds me a LOT of those 3 deaths we had (iirc season 4 was on patch, but this time it’s in unmodded. It’s a very weird and rare occurrence and it might be connected to the debuffs, but it always felt more like some kind of on death effect just insta killing the player.

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