Introducing: Zenith

i’m glad you make it open. I prefer learning mod from editing than reading the manual, it’s easier this way :smiley:

Hope you’ve got boots…[spoiler]

(WIP of unfinished starting area…)

Is that a little something under the surface over there?[/spoiler]

How do you update the mini map and are you adding this to the GD base game?

You rebuild selected map in the editor and save.

Do you mean old wooden path to the upper left corner?

As randomspawn said, turns out you just select ‘Rebuild All Pathing’ under the Build menu. As to your second question, no, this is a standalone campaign with its own set of masteries (i.e., no Soldier, Demolitionist, etc.).

Do you mean old wooden path to the upper left corner?
Well it’s not a wooden path…

May be this is a path to misterious Atlantis? :smiley:

Wow Ceno, you’re really working overtime modding this game. Quite impressive. I am looking forward to both of your mods, you have a great feel for this game :).

Looks like a sunken ship to me

Color me impressed lad, I wasn’t expecting a new project announcement from you so soon. Well, best of luck.

well, it’s a big project !

Maybe you could tease us in the same way the Grim Misadventure did !

Looking forward to your project and i have to say i’m kinda hype about it already !

That’s the plan, though a lot more infrequently and irregularly than the Misadventures were. Teasers will come. :slight_smile: I wonder if saying that in and of itself is a teaser…

You’re teasing teasers now? The pupil becomes the master…

any update?
looking for any “story” mod, not just class, skill mod which is already abundant