Is Lightning Warder Viable?

Hello! I have 1000+ hours in Grim Dawn, but am struggling with my lvl 100 lightning Primal Strike Warder. Is this build just not viable these days and I should look elsewhere to a different build entirely?
Here is my setup, though I’m not sure why upon import it shows only 28% poison res as it is over-capped.

The build is mainly based around RektbyProtoss’s Primal Strike Warder guide, though the devotions are largely different for a more defensive style.

Any thoughts/suggestions on how to improve the build overall would be greatly appreciated!

You have a single Kingsguard Powder, one Venomguard Powder and one Mogdrogen’s Touch as your only sources of poison/acid res.
You won’t cap out your acid res with just 3 augments and nothing else. 28 is probably accurate.
if your game shows more, then either I am missing a big source of acid res, or there is sth wrong with your display.

Maybe some lingering mod files or sth like that?

Edit: What Prefix does your belt have? Impervious by any chance?

Resistant +79% poison res.

Yeah that’ll do it. Not sure why it’s not imported correctly.

Long story short, your devotion map is a bit of a mess.
Idk how old the build was you were using, but since the 1.2 update, HP regen got a huge buff.

Imo, as a Warder, you should utilize regen at least a moderate amount.

And then there’s the attack speed issue and the relatively low OA.

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Orwund’s PS Warder

I like your version. Looks well rounded.
I might borrow that devotion map for… educational purposes. :smiley:


Use this Warder [] Thunderbolt - The Primal Strike Warder [c+] [sr+]


You’ve got a pretty solid budget build and as you get more specific gear you can tweak it good.

It’s possible to add a bunch of OA and DA to the build and a regen circuit breaker by redoing the devotions and using a couple of not too hard to find legendaries like so:

Devotions still keep the crab and turtle absorption and work in Solemn Watcher and Chariot of the Dead and Ultos for OA and DA and more regen. Flat resist reduction through the ring set skips Elemental Storm.

Resists can be patched up with augments and the legendaries drop reasonably common - a craftable alternative for gloves is Mythical Wyvernbone Handguards and Mark of the Farseer is craftable so the RNG is just completing the ring set and getting a Brandis belt with lightning damage.

It’s possible to eke out a bit more OA and attack speed by routing 3 skill points to Savagery and keeping it up for the buffs with the occasional autoattack between Primal Strikes.


Thanks everyone!