Is there any inventory space expansion planned around FoA release?

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. The topic is more stash space, both the OP and the thread title explicitly mention “inventory space expansion”.

Regardless of that though, you also don’t get to tell people what they’re allowed to say or not say.

You’re here asking for more inventory space, but it’s never about more. If they add 1 extra page with FoA, you’ll be back here the morning after asking for another and another, and if it isn’t you it will be someone else, because anything that isn’t infinite stash space (which you already have access to with mods) will eventually fill up and then you’re here back saying “I need more.”

So what you’re really asking for is infinite stash space. At that point there is no reason not to pick up every single item that ever drops and just drop it down the never-ending well of item storage. You never sell anything, you never just walk past something and ignore it. You pick up every item. Because you “might use it one day,” even though we all know that 99.9% of the items that are hoarded in the modded infinite stashes will never see the light of day.

The game fundamentally changes (for the worse IMO) when you’re not selling any items or demolishing them. Now the game is not the game, because you’ve turned it into a never ending magic-item collection game.

Please stay on topic. /s

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I don’t NEED more stash space necessarily, but having more BAG space (ala Grim UI) would be GREAT
just so I’m not teleporting to town every 15 mins to sell stuff… Just sayin’

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I think the poster’s request is not excessive and reasonable, why can’t crates be considered? This is incomprehensible. :cold_face:

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Crate has considered it; they have also give us their answer multiple times as to why they are “against” increasing stashes to various size
one is design reason, another is supposedly technical. Either of those alone would have merit.
Someone said FoA would ad another extra stash tab, tho i couldn’t find confirmation of that anywhere so might just be speculation.
As for now as far as i’m aware there is no official confirmation of additional storage space, which could lead to the old/previous answers given “Crate don’t think it fits for the game(and or technical reasons)”
However since there also isn’t an official rejection yet, maybe it lends room to the +1 tab being a possibility or perhaps even some other stash change (some have mentioned/requested component specific storage.
But either way until there is no official confirmation (or rejection) it’s going to be speculation, and then most we have to go on is the their old replies made to storage increase (which has been reposted many times)

Only thing mentioned in the Augsut 2023 dev stream was this:

Trying to do an automatic component and crafting stash tab which will take those things out of your inventory and into storage.

Whether they succeed in making it work, we’ll have to wait and see.


I would appreciate any stash increase, I also believe that adding an infinite stash would add a lot to the momentum of the FoA release and make lots of people happy. Simple as that.

A few more words on that:


I’m another one of those that would like to see increased stash space.

If you think about it from an ‘Expansion’ standpoint, we started with no expansions and so far I’ve purchased every one they’ve released. With more expansions comes more loot, some of which is quite unique and difficult to find.

For what it’s worth, I had around 1,300 hours in Grim Dawn when I found out about Reign of Terror. Once I started playing that mod with the huge amount of storage I fell in love with it. I was able to group sets I found around on the stash tabs and then when I found another piece I already had I could go right to my stash and compare stats to see which one I was going to keep. Having to go to a mule or 3rd party (External) program and compare stats is not fun and takes away from the immersion of the game.

I now have 3,142 hours in Grim Dawn with about 1,800 of those hours in RoT.

At this point the game is bigger and better, so we could use a little love in the storage department. I mean, check out this quote from the AoM Expansion notes on Steam:

Collect Hundreds of New Items - Dozens of new Monster Infrequents and Hundreds of Epic and Legendary items are waiting to be added to your collection! Combine them with the new Illusion System to create a look unique to you!

Sure would be nice to have extra space for all of those hundreds of new items…

Happy New Year everyone :sparkler:


I don’t want Crate to add infinite space stash because:
A) I don’t need it.
B) I’m kinda petty about self entitled people demanding changes and not getting what they want.
C) I’d lose the entertainment of watching people losing their minds discussing about the implementation of infinite space stash.


A) Totally not a self-entitled reason
B) Nobody is demanding, way to blow this out of proportion. And unlike your (totally not a self-entitled) reason A, those who advocate for stash increase do it in a considerate and elaborate manner, with intention of improving the game for many many others.
C) You’re welcome

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How is “I don’t need it” more entitled than “I don’t care about the other guys whose game it would negatively impact, I also don’t care that there is a perfect solution just a few mouse clicks away, give it to me anyway”?

Spoilers: It isn’t!

Do you though? Or are you stubbornly refusing to use existing solutions while attempting to change the game to the detriment of some others while not actually making any meaningful improvement for anyone?

I’ve yet to hear any meaningful answer as to why you absolutely can’t just use the mods that already exist and 100% fix this problem that isn’t a problem? Anyone?

This discussion goes the same way every time. People ask for more stash because there’s not enough for them and others in the game, other people come in and say nah it’s fine (the tautology of the stash is fine because it’s the stash we have).

Crate seem unwilling to add anything but I also think there might have actually been a technical reason why it was actually quite difficult to do too (something about risk to existing items?).

I’ll certainly be complaining with the rest of the ‘not enough’ group (though I think infinite is a bad idea) if FoA gets released with the measly stash we have now, given there will be 45 class combinations and I like to try out many builds.

Sure, if you’ve been playing grimstash forever and only pick the best of the best gear and skip levelling, or you only play one or a few toons, it’s enough stash, but the game is designed for variety without the stash to support it. Mods aren’t the answer, but I assume there are quite a few thousands of downloads of mods that have increased stash suggesting the base game perhaps could do with it…

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Firstly, I pointed out how toapeiron provided a self-entitled reason and then immediately threw a shade on others for ‘being self-entitled’. A bit of a double-standard, eh?

Secondly, you are misrepresenting my stance, intentionally or not. My intention was to have an infinite stash as an option for those who ask for it, while keeping the original stash. The limited stash enjoyers can have their game as it is, or switch - up to their preference.

So yes, my stance is a whole lot less self-entitled than the other poster’s, if you’re asking.

Thirdly, 3rd party tool is not the perfect solution. Neither it is a few mouse clicks away, in fact, the technicalities one of the reasons why I prefer not to use them.

I already gave you an answer in the other thread, but for some reason you are refusing to acknowledge it.

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This already exists. Mods already do this.

I’m not refusing to acknowledge it, I just straight up don’t think the game should be fundamentally changed because you

So we’re back to you thinking that my game should be negatively impacted because you choose not to use already available solutions to your issue.

If it was an option then your game wouldn’t be negatively impacted.

There’s nothing wrong with people asking the devs to consider things. It’s made GD better over the years and is doing the same for Farthest Frontier.

Just make your point/s for/against and leave it at that; there’s no need to argue back and forth.


It’s already an option. That’s been my point for this entire thread.

Infinite stashes already exist and will cost you a single google search and 20-ish mouse clicks to install and configure, and then they will not force the developers to make choices based on them being there for every player.

Then by the same token, there’s nothing wrong with me asking that the devs NOT consider things.


An in-game option. Which is optional. Meaning you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. It does not affect you nor anyone on a fundamental level unless the player chooses to.

The results would be:
The pro-limited stash advocates lose nothing. Those who ask for bigger stash get their headache cured and are now happy. Everyone gets a new option.

There are no downsides.

I acknowledge that it will require effort to implement. I respect Crate’s stance on this. But it is possibly the most requested change from players over the whole lifespan of GD and I hope they’ll give this another thought.


Sometimes it amazes me how near sighted people can be. Let’s assume that “infinite stash” is “optional”, what will happen if the player first decides to use it, filling, say, 20 pages worth of stuff, but then decides against it and toggles it off? Where that extra gear comes to? Or disappears rather? This will make so that forums will become flooded with “MY WHOLE STASH DISAPPEARED” kind of topics (we still get occasional topics about weapons “evaporating” - weapon swap being the case here).

Another thing is, if it’s just a toggle in the options, why WOULDN"T everyone just tick it on? If there’s no penalty for doing so? I mean, the stash pages we have now must be purchased with in-game currency, but what about those “optional infinite stashes”?

Is that worth the headache?

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This is the second time you’re bringing your expertise into discussion, the problem is - your expertise is (once again) near sighted at best. Cases like this are a part of the implementation. Obviously. One immediate solution that comes to mind is a warning when players unticks the option that mentions consequences. Like when you delete a character. There is no doubt Crate would solve this.

Regarding the point of why players wouldn’t use it - ask Paikis and others pro-limited stash posters.
(I imagine at least some of them would tick that despite posting against it, though :stuck_out_tongue: )

It’s a major QoL, definitely worth the effort and making many players happy.

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Uh-huh, yeah, sure, whatever you say. I’m just wondering what will you do if your options file becomes damaged, read only, hijacked by shit like One Drive and such? Then you’d have to reset it (which can be done by built-in Repair tool), meaning all your settings become default ones. Well, maybe you will edit this file yourself before launching the game, but what about less tech savvy players? If it’s ticked off by default, then that would mean you lose all your “extra” gear just because you had to reset the settings. Therefore, it must be turned on by default, implying it’s a “canon” feature recommended by the devs - which is not true by the way, at least currently.

Anyways, even if I were a dev, I would implement it as a semi-secret quest - much like The Hidden Path one. It would make you jump through a hoop or two, involve lore, and in the end the “stash” would present itself as some sort of “bag of holding”, or better yet, some sort of chthonic rift which you can enter and, well, store your stuff. Ideally, it must require some sort of fee. But such powerfull thing can’t just lie out in the open, now can it? Which means it must be somewhere off the beaten path, away from local yokels and other curious individuals. Which in turn means that players would become annoyed by the need to run on foot to said rift each time they need to store/retrieve items, and also by the fact this particular stash wouldn’t be available from the start.

I guess another option would be to just make it a separate paid DLC, but that would be just ridiculous and might as well just start a mutiny among the players because “devs charge money for something that was done by modders for free”, which reeks of some “big” game companies ::cough:: like Bethesda ::cough-cough::

At any rate, either implementation is just ugly in its own way. But my “expertise” isn’t worth shit, so I guess I just get myself lost? Kaybye!


legit think this glosses over what’s being said or tries to minimize/trivialize to an unreasonable degree
in essence what’s being said is you’re adding more points of failure “in between something”, and i’d speculate more complex points of then “critical” failure at that the way bugs or conflicts can chain - even if we ignore “pebcak”
^which might also already be part of the technical aspect why we’re not seeing a mere base stash expanding by 1-2-3-5-10 tabs let alone an “infinite” option or toggle option that would compound or complicate it even more (likely)

sure devs could “just fix it” or account for it in devs, but you’re then asking for additional resources to be spend on an optional feature to be maintained proper because it’s such an important aspect/bad point of failure to occur. For something that’s then perceived to be not needed by some players (“wasting” devs resources), something the devs from a design aspect is against (ie you’re making multiple requests in that singular request), and when it’s on a technical level not “needed” because tools or mods exist (*and Xbox players are then the sole counter to that)

it just comes off very “tunnel vision”'ish, i want more stash just implement more stash/heck “just” implement infinite stash, np…
there’s multiple aspects that’s just not given any consideration or ignored, from a seemingly "i just want this"perspective.
anyway that’s atleast how i read into Xande’s notion, but perhaps i’m biased :sweat_smile:

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