Is there any inventory space expansion planned around FoA release?

Firstly, I pointed out how toapeiron provided a self-entitled reason and then immediately threw a shade on others for ‘being self-entitled’. A bit of a double-standard, eh?

Secondly, you are misrepresenting my stance, intentionally or not. My intention was to have an infinite stash as an option for those who ask for it, while keeping the original stash. The limited stash enjoyers can have their game as it is, or switch - up to their preference.

So yes, my stance is a whole lot less self-entitled than the other poster’s, if you’re asking.

Thirdly, 3rd party tool is not the perfect solution. Neither it is a few mouse clicks away, in fact, the technicalities one of the reasons why I prefer not to use them.

I already gave you an answer in the other thread, but for some reason you are refusing to acknowledge it.

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