Stash overhaul (or how to make GD an even better ARPG)

Fair point actually. At the same time players expressing their bad experience about a specific rule is equally fair, and if there are many of them, this rule might need taking a second look.

A very appropriate link, thank you.

I’ve already addressed Medierra’s points, here are thoughts on Zantai’s (who was being a nice guy, as always):

“Borrowing infinite stash” from modders would be unfair to them - let’s be honest, that aged rather poorly since the upcoming expansion will borrow prefix rerolling from season community mod (at the very least) :stuck_out_tongue: . But sweat not, lord Zantai! I don’t think the modders will feel bad if their ideas and creations would make it in the official game. Quite on the contrary - that’d be an honorary achievement, I imagine. It’s cool. :slight_smile:

Genuine reasons for the bags being like they are - I would assume that at least partially it was the Medierra’s points and perhaps more. Would love to hear them! For now, all I can say is that on one hand I have mad respect for Crate on the other hand - given that I dared to question Medierra’s (quite ancient) points means that the I might have questions to the unnamed ones . :thinking:

Splitting the player base - it is very understandable that players with mods cannot play the vanilla players. But this point is not really relevant in the reasoning of having or not having an official infinite stash. In fact, if there was an official infinite stash, there would be less player base splitting since a lot of players just use infinite stash mods.
Also the actual multiplayer is really a tiny part of the game, so there isn’t much to split to begin with. Modders and vanilla players get along just fine without ever joining each other in-game. Tinkering builds, pushing endgame and sharing with others - that’s the multiplayer aspect of GD imo.
On the last point, though, it looks like Zantai moved from explaining why there’s no infinite stash into technicalities, so I hope he’ll forgive me for dragging this into the infinite stash area. But it’s a full response and I’ve simply addressed it fully.

To be fair, Zantai’s points were made 5 years ago and things have changed. Crate stated that there won’t be any expansion and that changed. And players are happy. (Being a broken record) Crate, please make MOAR changes to make people happy. :smiley: Like stash :grin:

An interesting idea. To be honest I think the teleporting between chests would eventually become its own tediousness. But that’s far better than mule-ing, so I’d take it. I’d take any of the solutions that were posted here really. All is better than mule-ing. :slight_smile:

A valid angle. It’s cool that there are players like you who can manage within the current stash and be happy.
I also find the story of your friend to be quite funny :smiley: . But… did he use filtering and searching…? :smiley:
Regardless of being a different player, I believe your points.

About the aversion to mods - that’s put way too strongly. I don’t dislike them, I just prefer not to use them. I’ve mentioned them a few times. In short - there can be different reasons for different people. For me it is not wanting to deal with technicalities and risks of the stash tools, as well as not wanting to become tool-dependent. Lihvar has another angle - he plays on different devices and using tools is very inconvenient.

Yeah, that’s actually one of the best and cool ideas yet. I would also like crafting materials along with the blueprints. :ok_hand: