Is there any inventory space expansion planned around FoA release?

seems you misunderstand the key part about it being “few” holding your potential “optional” back

It is simple. If not supported - do not apply. If supported - make it available. Steam deck and CRT users will not lose anything, others will gain QoL.

deja vu
feel like we had that convo before :grin:

Both of you have made your points so move on.

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I think it would be easier for them to learn which objects are worth saving and which are not.


I mentioned a solution: responsive design, which hides the bags (restores old window) if resolution is too low or scaling too high.

Mighty Empyrion smite these Yugol-cultists and their insatiable hunger

The stash size should have a button where you can cycle through pages upon pages of stashes …who cares if the character/stash file gets to be a few megs in size over text describing whats in your stash. We want giant stashes in order to collect it all! And if you dont want to fill up your stash you obviously dont have to but anyone disagreeing with this needs to realize just because its there doesnt mean you have to use it…all youre doing is having an argument that makes the game less enjoyable for many others that want to hoard everything.

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This is my take on stash space.
In a world where rent is becoming expensive, if not already and where there’s less space to afford to stay in, I don’t want my fantasy in a game to cram me into the stress of real life.

I am not a hoarder, I am a collector.
I want to get 1 of every item that is more or less unique and when a build needs it, to have it ready.

I have played PoE for many years. I am happy with their approach to buy as many stash tabs as you want, as well as having specialized tabs. I had several accounts and always used all collection-specific tabs, along with 50+ regular/quad tabs.
Why? Because it lets me organize my items, as many items as I please and afford.
Space is untapped ROI. The cramming items in a small space design comes from a time where space was expensive (console cartridges). We’re living in 2024, where drives with Terabytes are cheap, so I really can’t accept design as a reason to stress your players.

GDStash is good, but it would indeed be nice to be able to stash tons of items in the game itself:

  1. In GDStash, you don’t see the actual values of the item’s affixes, only the base value before randomization. Meaning that in cases where you have 5 drops of the same item stored in GDStash, you can’t tell the best rolled one until you transfer them into the game and check there. Then move them back. Can get pretty annoying.

  2. The only limitations here seem like it would be having to change the in-game UI and maybe file size in extreme cases. This is not an online game, if someone wants to have a 300 MB stash file size, I don’t really see a reason in preventing it (unless there are some technical reasons).

  3. They don’t have to be free. Keep the extra tabs at 500K Iron Bits a pop, or even keep scaling it further. I could also see the game having some extra objectives for more stash tabs. Anyone playing for a decent amount of time will be sitting on thousands of components like Searing Embers, Chipped Claws, Corpse Dusts etc. Being able to buy a tab for say X pieces of Y types of low tier crafting materials would at least create a sink for the stuff we perpetually collect but can’t realistically hope to ever be able to use.

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