I think it’s ok to expect games like this having a few slightly stronger skills/builds than others, as long as they’re not OP or they not setting new meta making everything else useless.
I’m interested in playing this so I want to know how balanced the game is?
I see that devs care about this also (last patch) so…
For instance, I’ve read a few of other comments on path of exile forums that poe has only couple viable builds for endgame thus killing build diversity in process.
I’d absolutely hate to see that in grim dawn.
Anyone to calm my nerves?
There is at least one endgame viable build for every single class in the game. Some classes have way more innate synergy with damage types-skills-sets ofc but even non-synergistic classes ( like saboteur) can work.
Maybe it’s just me but if the sheer massive number of builds propagating within the build compendium doesn’t ‘calm your nerves’…
Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)
…then I got nothing for ya.
and that’s just the compendium, and doesn’t even include everything/“rando” stuff in the general build section
and for a different sort of “list” comparison, while also using stricter “recent” build patch requirement you can browse the Grimsheet GrimSheet: Endgame Build Table - ETE edition [v1.30-ε] @dragonlike , to give you an ever bigger overview of potential viable endgame variety galore
Grim Dawn for sure isn’t a game that lacks viable endgame build diversity
It depends on what you mean by that.
Because it means something else for every player.
For example for Crucible player > 5min Cruci build might be useless.
For others, useless may mean “Cannot finish Main Campaign on Ultimate”.
Anyway, I personally consider this game very balanced but I know players that would disagree.
Ummm, I kinda don’ know what compendium is (new player)? I assume viable endgame builds?
Endgame is also a very subjective thing.
For some player Crate of Entertainment might be endgame.
Then the game is less balanced
Oh, I’m not worried about number of potential endgame builds, rather about their general balance and balance of skills (where most of them aren’t brokenly superior to every other skill/build)… I’m not sure if I explained myself clearly. Now with number of build gd has is it even theoretically possible to get a clear answer?
I’ll add to this statement as well - every mastery skill and a reasonably large number of active skills granted by high end equipment (at least 20-30 item skills to give you a ballpark figure) are viable/usable at endgame in some way or another and for several of them can be played on multiple mastery combos or damage types if you get creative enough and look for/have more niche gear.
If you dig deep down enough, there is a seemingly unimaginable number of possibilities for what can you do with a character. The only limiting factor for some of the really niche ideas is equipment will be harder to come across but the potential is there and has been demonstrated by the community several times.
I was asking about general skills provided by masteries, but I see your point. Every info is welcome.
if you check the grimsheet you can glance part of the different balancing current build potential has - ofc taking into consideration not everything has been tried equally since there are so many builds for the builders to go through after each patch
some builds do “everything”, some builds do “everything” well, some builds are better at one thing than the other ex Crucible or SR, some builds get tweaked to perform better one place than the other, and some builds get designed to do 1 thing spectacularly well
suppose you could say the "everything in 1"builds are more “unbalanced” than the “weaker” builds that don’t manage exactly the same feats without ex some tweaks to a certain area for a different encounter - but that depends on which yard stick you base your criteria on like tqFan mentioned
but imo, as a casual player, whether or not a build clears crucible in 4mins5secs, 5min30, or 7min45+ i don’t care about, let the Cruci zerkers handle that,
likewise i don’t care if a build can do SR 80, 120 or 150 - because i never go higher than 76(no point imo) - so let the deep sr tank buffs make those records
and similarly i don’t care if the 5th and 7th iteration of a warlock or spellbinder can kill Celestials, when “any” build can be tweaked for such specific encounters
i do find it somewhat impressive when a builder manages an “All-in-1” build that handles all 3 areas “decently” despite not setting any records,
but whether or not the "AiO"build does both super fast cruci and +100 SR and Mog, Calla, Crate/celestials under 5mins is not really a yard stick i myself judge them by, but some builders would call it “trash” if a build doesn’t perform in XYZ fashion/time (they are little nutscompetitive some of them )
Which is why I linked it The goal being to highlight for you that there are a lot of possibilities with GD.
Generally, if they are submitted and accepted in that guide… they tend to be considered viable, or try to be, at some assortment of “endgame” specific type of activities. Usually such is listed in their titles.
Over the years Crate has gone to great lengths to refine the balancing of Grim Dawn, so that all the mastery skills have a purpose. Some are more niche whereas others are a must have. And you still have to find out when to choose which - some of the early skills may only shine later in the game
Interesting. Yes, I’m aware every build has it’s specifics-and in that regard they can be deemed more or less ‘‘unbalanced’’ to eachother but like you said I would not use such word and say they just excel in different criteria. However let me explain myself even further-I don’t like BROKEN builds-you know those that accomplish better task simply because they’re not properly implemented. Let’s say you have 10 builds which do 100 dmg each with 5-10 points difference max. Then you have one build which does 500 dmg. No matter how well your first 10 builds are they’ll never be as powerful as 500 dmg one. That’s what I’m saying. Same applies to skills-if one has 500 dmg with 5 extra effects you’re never going to use 10 others in you’re skilltree (assuming they all do 100 dmg max with one extra effect). This is just example.
Oh that certainly fancies my imagination… Personally looking forward of trying my 1st build and getting my ass kicked in first 5 secs.
Broken stuff doesn’t exist “long”, because Zantai exists
Really great to hear. Personally I like options.
Haha, I know about our master Zantai. Props to him for being this kind. And you answered my question nicely with this. Thank you.
I wonder what’s your background. What games have you been playing and if they are balanced.
I.e. do you have bad experiences with some game being very unbalanced. Or maybe some more competitive arpgs.
Maybe we can then relate Grim Dawn balance to this other game’s balance.
Oh, and when you say ‘‘must have’’ do you mean- you’d be crazy to miss this skill but you can go without it if you wish OR without this skill you shouldn’t even bother?