Is veteran really worth it?

That’s gonna be fun, but i need to put mattress all over my wall in case i want to throw my controller. It’s expensive those things…

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Step it up:

  • veteran
  • hardcore
  • using :video_game:
  • ssf
  • classless
    • meaning you don’t develop any mastery
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That mean you only have 1 mastery? or no skill point at all?

No skillpoints. Called classless because masteryless would sound stupid I guess.
It would solve your problem of which class / build to play.



That would be me, me wooden leg and me rusty knife. YAAAAARRRR

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Read - and weap. :wink:

It can be done, it has been done.



I’m gonna start to look on grimtool on to see what build i can us… oh wait…

Can you use devotion point though?


Yes, if you can manage to cleanse the shrines.

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If you want some inspiration, this was the first build to do it SSF.


Thanks, that must be really hard ffs…

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I usually have more fun on veteran thus always start on it (unless when I immediately start from the elite). As @powbam said, once you get used to it, you are ok to start on veteran with any class, just sometimes need more kiting of you’re on HC (otherwise you can always kill them with your bodies, that’s boring).

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It is super tough, and makes YOU super tough!

In all seriousness, it will take some time to adjust to it but once you do softcore has zero satisfaction, and even using classes just feels like having god mode and cheats enabled.

There’s nothing like the thrill of actually caring about moving out of the way of attacks and projectiles, and not focusing on/prioritizing +class skills on gear. In fact, one of the most fun things about it is that SO MANY pieces of gear that you’d normally never think twice about using suddenly might become your best options. Its a fantastic exercise in ingenuity, a great way to flex your creative build brewing skills!

I honestly urge you to give HC Classless a chance, in Veteran mode? Is even better! Your knowledge of the game mechanics will improve at like 10x normal speeds, because you simply cannot survive if you do not understand resistances, armor, armor absorption, etc. You will need to min-max a lot of stuff, but DAMN is it satisfying!

Devon Thormane is my best attempt yet, but not the most imaginative. I have tried several different builds. My favorite so far was actually a pet build. Yes, it is possible to do while playing classless!


You know what? I put the game aside because my fuc… brain could not choose a fuc… class…

But i will do that, i completely forget that you had skill in your components. I thought the all thing had to be done only with normal attack.

I will do that, as for today, i will be a classless HC veteran, and give this game a real shot.

Pet build classless? how to do that?

Thanks :smiley:

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Need to find gear/devotions that give you temporary pets. Devotions - Revenant for example and maybe Unknown Soldier. Relics can give pets as well - Hysteria for example.


As mentioned above, here are some links:

Am not an expert at this, but looking at the second link low level / more available would be:

From devotion I know there’s Eldritch Hound from Bysmiel’s Bonds devotion.


Others have already mentioned some specific things, but I didnt see anyone mention the item that gave me the idea to try this build yet, and that is the Epic Ring, Marrow Band especially if you have 2 of them.

Heres a screenshot of my beloved classless pet build, who died sadly- It was my own fault, I rushed progression too far too fast.


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It is. @Contragor has my eternal respect in all matters where this game is concerned for accomplishing this feat.

Well, you probably don’t care, but i couldn’t make it lol.

I died like 50 times… I don’t have any component and no mob seems to want to drop some…

So, arriving level 10±, i’m really starting getting big hit and don’t do aenough damage. It’s like i hit with a foam stick.

I will restart it with mastery because it’s too hard for me now. Maybe when i will know the game more i’ll try again but for now, i will try to finish it once at least :smiley:

Now, i will come back in like 10 days when i have chosen a mastery :smiley:


I have study a little the devotion map. Blizzard seems super fun :smiley:

I’m gonna do a arcanist trozan shard blizzard. Any idea for a 2nd mastery? I thought nighblade cause of the buff + cold damage but i don’t know.

What do you think?

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