Japanese Translation Issue

Newly added Japanese text has no newline code and is cut off.
There is also a problem with the translation file itself to begin with. Proper nouns by the previous community translations are completely ignored, making them meanings to broken.
Frankly speaking, the translator most likely translated only the text without launching the game. This is a case that should be protested by Crate.


List of errors found ~ Left is right. :
シャッタード レルム→シャタードレルム

I would like to add a few words. Although it is not enough to interfere with play at present, I am reporting it because it could be a major issue in translating future expansion packs.

1, Newly added or changed sentences are not wrapped at the edge of the window and the text is cut off.

Japanese does not basically contain spaces between words, so sentences are not folded as they are. For this reason, the translations by volunteers are designed to wrap the text with a moderate amount of space between words. However, this is not the case for most of the translated parts of the official response, and the text is cut off in the middle, making it unreadable.

(I think there is a way to specify Wordmode=false in language.def for sentence wrapping, but it is not used.)

Here is an example.

In V1.1.9.8, spaces are inserted in the triangular marks at appropriate intervals, but not in V1.2.

In the actual game screen, the text portion of the blue border is not displayed in V1.2. The red triangles correspond to the text wrap position in the image above.

2. Noun changes in newly re-translated files

In the following files, the English text is not supposed to be changed, but the Japanese text has been completely changed to the new translation.
The problem here is that the translations of “Black Region,” “Bysmiel,” and “Byscilla” have been changed, causing discrepancies with the translations in the other files. (In particular, “Byscilla” is even weirder because it has changed from a female to a male tone of voice.)

・ npc_inquisitorcreed_02.txt
・ npc_ulgrim_05.txt
・ npc_ulgrim_06.txt
・ npc_bysmielrep_02.txt

My personal opinion is that it would be better not to change nouns unless there is a compelling reason to do so, since there are already people who have been playing the game with the same translation for a long time. (Also, if there are too many changes, it would require a lot of work on the part of the community to rewrite existing information on the Japanese GrimDawn wiki, etc.)

The last is a request.

3. I would like to see the subtitle file for the movie corrected.

Up to V1.1.9.8, there was a limitation that if a movie subtitle file was included in a translation file and the file size of the original English subtitle text was exceeded, no further text would be displayed. This resulted in a Japanese subtitle file with a forcibly reduced number of characters and poor quality. However, the new translation file of V1.2 does not have this limitation, so I would like you to either re-translate it newly or replace it with the attached file.

Movie Subtitles_jp_V12.zip (2.8 KB)

GDX1_intro.txt was previously prepared by the Japanese translation team to replace the \Grim Dawn\gdx1\video files, and intro.txt file was recently created by the Japanese translation team matougi.

Thanks for the language support.


I’ve seen that issue with so many outsourced translations for videogames. Many game developers hire third-party translators, provide them the text strings, but the translator translates those strings without any knowledge of the actual in-game context, which then can result in technical errors like you have described, and also in awkward or even wrong translations.

As someone who has (voluntarily) worked on translations for (modded) videogame content before, I know how hard it can be sometimes, even if you have the full context. I’m not saying those translators hired by Crate delivered bad work, or that Crate themselves is at fault in any way. But I agree Crate should ask them to double-check the translations and how they appear in-game before submitting their work.

The translators can’t update the text, launch the game, and see the changes live like the community translators used to do. They get sent a file with text that needs translating, with some context/explanation as needed. They were working blind with pre-existing text, on a project they never worked on before, with unusual formatting rules they were not used to.

It was honestly kind of a nightmare trying to bridge the gap between the old community text and the new translations, but thankfully future text will be largely new.

If there are problems, we are happy to review them though, or even send them to the localization company to review if there is something systematic.


I will not be able to fix these without knowing where they occur.

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Honestly had no way of knowing this would happen, and the translators certainly did not either. We’ll address it.

And this is an issue with trying to match up to old text.



Message of Mazaan, Keeper of Portals. File of “npc_endlessdungeon_event_01a.txt”.
After all, more than whether a translation is new or old, what many users care about is whether the translation is broken. There are no quality issues with existing ones.
In my opinion as a user, the existing translations should not be discarded (unless an exception is found, such as a mistranslation), but only the new text should be focused on.
Also, existing players are familiar with existing proper nouns! It’s pretty annoying when they change it!

Which is what we did. We explicitly requested that the original translations be maintained in the spirit of all the work that was put in by the community. That actually made things a lot more complicated.

The NPCs that got re-translated required changes that we made to the English text. New lines of text or changed text. It’s not like we picked a few NPC dialogues just for fun.

That was unfortunate and will be fixed. We did provide the original texts as a reference.



Here is a tentative solution to the problem of broken sentences and unreadable text.


(This is a temporary fix until the official translation is completed. If you have any inconvenience or don’t like it, you can easily revert it by simply deleting the file you installed).


test play with these settings in place for about two days, and while the appearance changed slightly due to the change in the fold position of the text, it did not interfere with gameplay at all.

SetWordmode.zip(362 Bytes)



Place the unzipped folder under the GrimDawn installation folder.


The correct placement would look like this.

…\Grim Dawn\settings\Text_JA\language.def



Delete language.def. You can leave the empty folder as it is.


The text in the blue frame that was hidden will be displayed.



The Wordmode setting in language.def automatically breaks the text so that the text can be read correctly.


However, there is one problem with this method: it causes text overlap in the finished quest journal, making some of the text unreadable. Then, since this setting is activated for the entire game, it also affects the mod’s translation files.


(I think the actual impact is low since it is a case of viewing the journal of completed quests, not a problem while the quest is in progress, but if it is inconvenient, delete the file and revert back to the original settings.)


Text in completed quests may have overlapping text.

参考情報:Reference Information:


The text in the quest file also includes the “active quest” message that appears on the right side of the game screen, and the position of the text is adjusted when the quest is completed, but this is not done for lines that are automatically turned over, so the text remains in the same position, causing the text to overlap. I think this is the reason for the overlapping of text.


The workaround for this problem is to add a line break code to the relevant part of the target quest file in advance, but for some quests, this line break setting may appear as a blank line in the “active quest” text position.


Adding a line feed code to the relevant section in advance prevents overlapping of characters.



However, some quests may have blank lines in the “active quest” text.

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V1.2.0.3 will have a solution for this issue. Assuming the Japanese community finds it suitable, we’ll probably handle Fangs of Asterkarn text the same way.

The proper nouns should also match the community translation.

Great news, I am very happy with the results. Thanks for responding. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

On a separate note, and this is not just a Japanese issue, but something I would like to see addressed regarding the mod translation files.

For Mods, I had to add the Mod’s class name to tags_skills.txt in order to have the Mod’s class name correctly displayed in the main menu when the game is launched. However, V1.2 does not read tags_skills.txt in the language file I put in the resources folder of the Mod, so I get a Tag_not error. If possible, I would like the tags_skills.txt and tags_uimain.txt in the mod’s language file to be read at startup.

<Example: ReignOfTerror>

\Grim Dawn\mods\ReignOfTerror\resources\text_ja.arc

Tip: Regarding tags_uimain.txt, it would be better to clearly state in the startup credits that it is a community-created translation, so that users do not make a mistake.

about Bonescavenger’s Deathgrips. “The spirit scales with Pet Bonuses.” : 霊は、ペットボーナスに対応する。
( means “Spirit(pet) scales with Pet Bonuses.”) : 精神は、ペットボーナスに応じて増減します。
(means “Spirit(attribute) scales with Pet Bonuses.”)

I think this is translation issue. thank you.

Thank you for handling the text folding, proper nouns, and movie subtitles. :blush:

As for the insertion of space, it must be considered in all text that is added or changed, so this applies not only to conversational text, but also to skill descriptions, tips, etc.

Therefore, I have checked and extracted those that I believe require additional action. I have also found a few areas that need to be fixed for other reasons, which I will also report. (There is already a tentative solution, so there is no urgency.)

It is long, so I will fold it.

【Blank spaces need to be handled】





This file was added in V1.2 and needs to be modified throughout.



tagClass01SkillDescription13A=^sMenhir’s Bulwark {^n}^w大地の神メンヒルに呼びかけます。メンヒルは、大地そのものの頑健さで信者たちを祝福する古代の存在です。 ^o盾または両手近接武器が必要です。



tagTutorialTip14TextA=ヘルスとエナジーポーションは、 それぞれキャラクターのヘルスとエナジーを回復させます。ポーションを飲むには、クイックバーのアイコンをクリックするか、 アサインしたホットキーを押してください。

agTutorialTip70TextA=ベースラインアビリティである回避は、困難な状況から抜け出すのに役に立ちます。使用すると、キャラクターはターゲット方向に素早くジャンプし、モンスターをすり抜け、一時的に無敵になります。デフォルトでは、回避は {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}キーにバインドされています。





tagQuickTip70={^z}回避{^-}{^n}{^n}回避を使用すると、キャラクターのポジションをすばやく変更し、困難な状況から抜け出すことができます。回避を行うには、{^x}[{%t0}]{^-} を押します。


tagMapSymbolRespawnDesc=ヒーラーは、 若返りと重い傷を塞ぐ訓練を積んでいます。



tagPatchV1200=Grim Dawn v1.2 へようこそ! この大規模なアップデートでは、ゲームの基礎の多くが全面的に見直され、いくつかのエキサイティングな新要素が導入されています。新しいベースラインスキルとして回避が追加されたため、キーバインドを変更している場合は、キーバインドを更新することをお勧めします。


tagGDX1Class07SkillDescription06C=^sRunic Seal {^n}^wルーンが刻まれた両手武器を使って刻印することで、インクイジターは負担を軽減して封印を作成できます。 ^o両手近接武器または両手遠隔武器が必要です。



tagGDX2EndlessDungeon_Key_06_Desc=紡ぎ合された現実の縒り糸を引き寄せ、捻じ曲げるウェイストーン。これによって、 マザーンはシャタードレルムの、第80シャードから第90シャードまでの道を開くことができる。^n^nこのウェイストーンは心弱き者が使うべきではない。

【Needs to be corrected for other reasons】


First line.
ポータル の 守護 者》 マザーン

→ There is no at the beginning of the line.



tagClass03SkillDescription12A=^sPossession {^n}^w術者の身体を魔神ソレイルの 依代となし得る。 ソレイルの精神が 術者の身体を 通して発散し、 オカルトの力を 増大して、 攻撃に対して 強くする。^oこの能力を 発揮するには、 予め トグルキーで 有効化 しておく 必要が あります。

→ Deletion omission. Only this exclusive aura has been left behind with no text removed.




→ It does not match the translation of the other chests. It would be better to use kanji names. (as in 「異世界の財宝」「半神の財宝」)



tagGDX2RelicSkillD204Desc=術者の怒りを貪欲な旋風に集中し、 その効果を 導いている限り、 近くにいる すべての命の源を 飲み尽くす。 ^o近接武器を 要する。 攻撃速度が 100% のとき、 ヴォレイシャス リーチは 0.16 秒ごとに ダメージを与え、 エナジーを消耗する。

→ Omitted change. In the English text, it was changed from 0.16 to 0.2 in v1.2.


Thanks for the language support.

Noted, thanks.

Add… :joy:


tagGDX2EndlessDungeon_Key_06_Desc=紡ぎ合された現実の縒り糸を引き寄せ、捻じ曲げるウェイストーン。これによって、 マザーンはシャタードレルムの、第80シャードから第90シャードまでの道を開くことができる。^n^nこのウェイストーンは心弱き者が使うべきではない。



I’m not sure if replying at this thread is correct.But it is about Japanese.
On XBox, Some Japanese certin characters on certain window like quest tracker is not displayed correctly.(Some characters are not displayed and are skipped)
With Engish, there are no problems though.
Already tryed setting XBox system language Engish or reinstall and no luck.
Is there someone experienced the same above?

Can you show an example please?

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I noticed UI size affect this issue like below.(see first quest title on quest tracker)

small(default) UI size that some characters are not displayed:

big UI size that all characters are fine:

Contrary to the above, tooltips are fine with small size and affected by the issue with big size.

fine tooltip on devotion window with small UI :

bad with big UI :

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