Kill rocks at Lokkar hideout

Well, us “staff” don’t get paid. Done for the love of the game, the forum and Crate. Doesn’t mean I’d vote “as ordered” by Zantai, Crate or anyone else. And TGC knows very well that’s not how Crate roll. And as Zantai said, why would he bother when he can simply edit the poll to his liking. :smiley:

Yes you are all in it, doing sorcery and rituals to fool people to vote NO. Illuminati. Aliens. Batman. muhuhuhuaaaa BUFF OLERON. :cool: everyone on the forum is part of the staff except me. I am Jesus. “I’ll be back”

great job
Keep on doing what your doing man soon you’ll end up like good ol’ Judas Bitchachoz:rolleyes:

I’d say we’re pretty bad at it then considering there are over 44,500 members of the forum. Should at least be able to conjure up a measly 200 NO votes between all of us. :smiley:

Very inspirational, but there is no way I could become a moderator or praetorian before Forgotten Gods. I try to participate, being helpful and sometimes funny, but you guys do it dozens of times more.

Also, medea totally deserves it. Not only because of this forum, but because she and defboy99 kept the forum running for years.

then just double the numbers of the boulders, and add log tentacles everywhere also :cool:

Now THAT’S a plan! Good one TGC. :smiley:

Put the plan in action:D
Yes you might be right…the callange there has to be unique…but the dmg is too OP…the effects of freeze or other i dont mind…but the dmg…is 5 times higher than any monster in there…a challenge has to be hard…challenging…not annoying…
But…even so…add tentacles…would be nice…

The rocks (especially the ice ones) are deterrent. You want that sweet ROI to your legendary farming? You deal with the toughest. Think of the Trials in the dungeons: they are optional areas within optional areas. And thus, doing Trials will tax you to the max. Besides, it’s free to enter the Blood River and you can put a portal along the way; unlike the dungeons.

So the math should be: free area + high ROI = toughest monsters + annoying rocks.