killed dreven cole 200++ times on ultimate

Same here. Didn’t do 200 tuns though, but after 80 runs there was no sing of the decree.

Supposed to be a 5% chance at dropping one of the weapons and 2 in 3 will be the scepter.

The scepter (not the decree) so 1 in 20 should give one weapon. 2 out of those 3 will be scepter.

1 in 60 for the Decree ?

That sound better than my previous experience with Aldritch and Worldeater and it is damn faster than those Rogue to run.

I uh, got one on my 3rd run

I HATE YOU :mad:

yeah fuck that guy

got ~70 aetherial mutagen from 300++ run

!!! ZERO DECREE :mad: !!!

Good to know that i’m not alone on this…

May i ask what is this item you’re trying to farm? Haven’t played much of the new content yet. Being 100% ssf player i’m very busy just trying to farm sets&blueprints for now :confused:


its the scepter which converts 45% of elemental damage to vitality damage

Got it on my 5th kill or so. Git gud at RNG. :stuck_out_tongue:

I got it on my first run, lol

did over 400 runs on ultimate, got 100++ mutagen, 20 epic version

but no “decree” at all

does the order matter? do I have to kill him last?

I already bought a voodoo doll

if i dont get the decree today i will start to prick it in the bottom

I want the developers to feel what im feeling now

finally got it!!!

finally got this!!!

finally got this!!!

finally got this!!!

so happy i finally got it :smiley: