Killing raiders should give a reward. Their armor and weapons for example

I strongly recommend that you two refrain from responding to one another. There’s actually a handy feature for this where you can mark another user for “ignore” on their profile and you’ll never be tempted to get yourself banned again!

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Yup, one user instigating while another is trying to discuss the point that same user is putting forward. Hilarious response Zantai

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I can see DM’s, you know.

Please just take the hint from the admin seriously, thanks.


And what in the DMs is so inflammatory that I’ve infringed on the rules of the forum? I even asked Celebrindan for evidence of his accusation, which is continuing a conversation.

These are what you responded to here. If it were my DMs that were an issue you’d probably have DM’d instead of ‘addressing’ them in an unrelated thread.

There’s been enough unproductive back and forth between you two that I am recommending you simply stay away from each other on this forum.

No bans have been issued, but if threads continue to be derailed by increasingly personal arguments, action will have to be taken.

Now let’s get this topic back on track please.


I am happy where the game is now with out looting the raiders. I am glad though that the stuff that raiders looted is dropped when they are killed. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

well go here then, the mod’s not on github, you just asked ‘github link?’

Mods are injected to game and can seriously affect game performance. Mods without available source code are suspicious, even scanned for viruses. Therefore, I am asking for link to github.

How about laborers having to bury or burn the corpses? I always wondered why my villagers bodies cause problems when 1 of them per year dies, but when I kill dozen(s) of raiders they recede into the ground / cobblestone wherever they drop.


Either that or utilize some kind of harvest from the raider’s corpses (such as broken/salvageable weapons, armor and clothing) instead of the raiders bodies disintegrate into dust as if they never existed. Something that makes sense when a raid occurs ending in victory for the defenders.

Edit: To make a note, the weapons, clothing or armor doesn’t necesarily need to be usable after looting the raider. It can be anything that can be used as resource for further production, such as leather scraps or armor pieces that needs to be melted down. Just wouldn’t make sense that winning a raid defense doesn’t give you anything other than a temporary sense of safety.

Don’t know if it’ll apply to these as well, but …


And you should be able to erect a grizzly funeral pyre with the dead raider"s bodies, the smoke of which would be seen for milers and strike fear in the hearts of would be raiders for several years more ! So I said !

I’d like the villagers to all carry a crude weapon, which your hunters can make, and make them the spearhead of any defense when raided. It takes too long for your garrison troops to arrive.
Raiders generally attack from the same directions, these can be reinforced with towers and multiple walls and fences. Also they attack every three to four turns, which means you can shut down the barracks and towers to save money and then in the third year after the last attack reactivate them when the first merchant shows up. It’ll take a few months for them to get armed and positioned but they’ll be ready.

I agree with at least a few “crude weapon” drops. The value is more at the tier 1 & 2 level.

Even the Lannisters think this is a bad idea.

There’s also the Morale aspect: using clothing, armor, or equipment taken from Dead People is not particularly encouraging to the recipients - especially when the clothing is covered in bloodstains and the armor has suspicious holes in it that probably contributed to its being available for re-use!

Note that at the archeological site of the Battle of Visby in Scandinavia, roughly equivalent in technology to FF, much of the armor was buried with the dead possibly for just this reason - massive holes and cracks in the material. A majority of headgear/helmets, in fact, had great holes in them, because most of the dead had been either killed outright or finished off by massive blows to the head.

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