Killing raiders should give a reward. Their armor and weapons for example

The raiders must have some gold on them, or armor, or food or something.

We can assume not all raiders have the same gear and some of the gear gets destroyed in the fighting,. But should be something left over from some raiders that we can salvage and use.


Totally agree 100% And people dying of other things should not take their possessions to the grave with them.


Why would they have gold and food on them? That is what they came to steal from you.

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Because they might have been killed after grabbing some of your goods. And they’d have their weapons all along


raiders have weapons and armor, and crossbows i think. good loot for us :slight_smile:


From whoever they raided before you. Also they would have food for the journey and definitely have their own weapons.


Yep, Just like “Going Medieval”
You kill as many of the raiders as you can so you can loot their bodies.
Brake down the bad armor and items and keep/use the good ones.

What’s the point currently? As I see it there is none.
Not for you the owner of the town nor the raiders. You kill 90+% of them every time, they take nothing or almost nothing from you and they just keep coming back. You get nothing for winning other than damage or loss of some people. That’s not even close to realistic either way you look at it.


I wish the raider spawn points worked like wolves - once you uncover their dens you can hunt them to extinction with the help of some manual instructions. Would be good if we could get a huge army then go out to destroy the raider villages


I love this idea! But I doubt we will ever see it. I don’t think the game is trying to be anything like an AOE

What about the reward of the friends you made along the way?


so we get some of the surviving raiders as friends in our town? :laughing:


New immigrants! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I don’t make friends with raiders - SCUM!


Let it be a choice! Immigrate surviving raiders or execute for additional food! Oops… sorry, that was my inner voice talking.


Another one who always sides with Barrowholm I see. :wink:


You wouldn’t raid a place, get a bunch of goods, and then carry them all into another raid. You take it back to your camp, drop it off, have a party and then go raid again. They would have weapons and armor sure, but that’s about it.

And you already get back all your own loot they took when you kill them after they grab some. It drops on the ground and your villagers go pick it back up.

Yes, and my village needs weapons, so that would be a good start on its own

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This is a pipe dream, but it would be fun if each raider wave had a small chance of a killed bandit dropping an unique item that your villagers could stock in a museum type building for maybe desirability or gold earning bonus like a pub or some such. It could be a bit like the equipment grind in Grim Dawn :crossed_swords::shield:🪖


Being able to somehow build a banner after defeating a raid well enough would be cool, it could work both as a decoration as well as an intimidation for future raiders when displayed in the town.

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I would be interested in small camps on the map that the raiders attack from, which also can be looted to some degree.