Killing raiders should give a reward. Their armor and weapons for example

I have little problem with them dropping weapons, with the exception crude weapons. They might be fine as a stop gap, but I hate seeing them in my inventory after I have a ton of inventory knowing I can’t ever get rid of them. As for armor, it should be a rare drop, since most armor should be damaged from the battle. But yeah, things like food and gold and whatnot make no sense to be there.

THIS is something I wish was in the game. Start the map and depending on your difficulty settings, there could be a large raider camp at the far end of the map, and potential a few small raider camp strewn about. This would give my army a real purpose other than sitting around waiting for someone to attack us. And killing them could then give actual loot and maybe even decrease the frequency of raids on your town. They could even respawn over time like the animals do.


I’d love to find a clue on 1 of the raiders.
Or someone might follow them if there are survivors, back to their hideout, for intel on their location.

So have another map/maps where we can return the favor and raid their settlement / hideout.
Just an idea, need coffee =)

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Raiders do drop the raided goods upon death.

lol yes, if you can stop them.
Which isn’t always that easy without towers / ranged weapons.
Well, it’s not their belongings what they rob, anyways.
Wouldn’t call that a reward, just repercussions at best.


But not their own possessions like weapons and armour

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Exactly, the raiders will at least have their armor and weapons but let’s be hones in a raiding party of 50 or more some of them would have some gold. Maybe if it was just the chief of the raiders who is harder to kill but then you get the gold, or something.

In my opinion the current way is better for gameplay ; If you can just loot weapons and armors on dead raiders you don’t need to produce them and the Arsenal/part of the Blacksmith become useless…

I would put a positive rewards upon successfully defending town by having a reputation which would increase traders coming to town over time.

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No, it depends how successful you are at killing them, which is no sure thing at all. I’ve only ever had one raid where I managed to kill them all. They usually kill far more of my people than I do theirs, and if the game is written well for raids then each raider would run off home as soon as they are carrying as much as they can - which should NOT be more than one of our laborers can carry while working!!

I like this.

Good point. But I don’t think it can only be one or the other. The raiders could drop loot at a low rate so you would still need the smithy. Also if they drop some gold then it’s just a straight-up reward.

I think I would like raiders more if there were some good things you could get out of their raids, where now a raid can only have negative effects and your job is to mitigate those.

I think capturing raiders and making them do forced labor would be a great addition. Or selling them as slaves/indentured servants to passing traders for gold.

Or build a market square where you can put them in pillories, and the children can throw spoiled food and manure at them, for an entertainment and happiness bonus to the surrounding houses.

Or a bear pit, where you can capture bears and then put captured raiders in the pit with them while the villagers can watch, also as an extra entertainment building.

The possibilities are endless.

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I am sure all this is against the Geneva Convention

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Why do you think this? If you were going to rob a bank, would you make sure to bring a briefcase already full of money? No. This is a raid. They aren’t going shopping.

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  1. Nomadic raiders would carry all of their wealth on them.
  2. The raiders would need a way to trade amongst themselves during their journeys.
  3. Gold/loot from the last place they raided before they raided your village.

But I don’t think they are nomadic - they’re too well kitted and organised. I think they come from neighboring villages specifically to do this raid then they probably run straight home with it

  1. Nomads don’t sleep on the open ground. They still have a base camp, it is just temporary until they break it down and move on. Their valuables would be stored there until they return.
  2. Trading would be done at camp when they are not in a battle, not while they are raiding
  3. Loot from a previous battle would only weigh them down and make it much harder to fight, so it would be left at camp.

Weapons and armor, yes. Gold and supplies, no.

basic raiders should drop basic crap

but armies (with battering rams, etc) should drop good stuff. they’re “pay up, or suffer”

nobody is saying they should drop enough for you to not have to make your own. maybe they should drop broken ones that melt down for metal for example.

Since weapons and armor degrade/wear out over time, I don’t think some infrequent drops from raiders would make armories or blacksmiths useless, but depending on drops and drop rates, it might make the game a bit too easy early on. I think the early raids are already quite easy to deal with without any losses even in the hardest mode, also with decent city layouts, the late game armies are pretty easy to deal with.

So for that reason raider camps or army camps with some defensive structures or bonuses etc. that you could attack for some sort of a reward would be nice addition. Not sure how realistic that would be, like for example in a case where you have scouted the whole map, and have buildings all around it, could they just randomly spawn next to your watchtower? :thinking:

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Sounds realistic enough for me. I mean the raiders and armies have to come from somewhere. However, I do wonder about the technical challenge of adding a new class of buildings (enemy building) as well as all of the new controls associated to controlling your own army and going on campaign. Would love to see it but that kind of feels like a DLC or a full on expansion.

Whereas, merely adding some randomized drops to the raiders who already come knocking seems like it would be incredibly easy.