Killing raiders should give a reward. Their armor and weapons for example

Maybe your joking lol but I have been thinking about this since you said it. I think there is great potential with the idea of capturing the raiders and doing… something… with them.

Maybe the bigger raiding parties could have a chief who, if caught, get’s ransomed back to his people for gold. Or maybe we have the option to hold the chief in captivity as guarantee that that tribe doesn’t raid anymore.

For the rest of the raiding party… some kind of forced labor mechanism could interesting. Especially if taking them into your village lowered happiness and risked certain events. So the player has to choose between the benefit of adding a bunch of adults to their population against the potential risks.

Killing wild animal give us food , why killing raiders dont have a bonus, like weapons they carry or gold, resources or food?

i was thinking in the same thing… whats the point of killing raiders?! there must be rewards and something real good like weapons armor or gold (not food though)

this idea is a must tbh!

Yeah it would for sure require a lot more from the whole team so I’m not excpecting it to happen. And yes, if they would come from outside of the map and start approaching towards you and build a camp then it would be realistic. But for them to just appear with buildings next to you it wouldn’t be ideal.

I don’t know about the spawn mechanics for raiders but in a map where I built my city to the edge of the map, I got an alert that my building is being attacked and I saw 5 raiders attacking my trading post. Didn’t get any notification before that and didn’t see them coming either. Also the trading post is in a pretty central place. I’ll see if this happens again and create a bug report if they can just spawn in your city. Also despawning just happens after a little while and not at the edge of the map. Was a bit random to chase them and suddenly, puff, raiders were gone :joy: but with that I don’t have any issue.

Yep that’s reasonable.

agree on drop weapons and armors, also special counter on graveyards for raiders.

You born with nothing … you die with nothing!

I took this game as a story of a weakling who runs away and builds a village.
For the weak, an attacker would feel like a natural disaster, a disaster that would only be stolen.
I felt that Raiders should be a disaster as a village building game, not a fort building or invasion game.
I don’t think it should be compared to other games, but I think that the tornado in “Banished” corresponds to the assailant.
However, I think it’s not surprising that trade, immigration, and the birth rate will be affected because they have successfully repelled it.
Sorry for my poor English.

Wow dude :sweat_smile: It seems that you really hate expanding battle system

your defenses are terrible if they’re actually consistently killing more of your citizens then your killing them

I couldn’t afford anything better!

Especially in the early game I find it good idea to keep hunter cabins near city and manually use hunters to attack raiders. Few hunters and one central outpost will deal with raiders for a long time in my experience.

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I would love loot to break down for resources.

And I think in all fairness we should be able to conduct scouting missions to their camp, and then brutal punitive expeditions with real loot this time (at the cost of chosen expedition membres being unavailable for the time being and the risk of losing them on the field of battle).
That would be a nice addition

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I think a great game that showcases basic survival and settlement creation with incoming raiders and hunting is Dawn of Man. Your people must first craft tools and weapons then attack (or defend). Every person/animal has slots and you can harvest them once dead. You can get some nice stuff killing raiders.

Whereas in this game, so far, there’s no incentive to chase down a wounded raider if they haven’t stolen anything.

We all agree.

I really like this idea. Its unlikely something useful can drop in terms of “resources”. Eventually, players will figure out how to farm the system rendering them mute. But a desireability bonus would be really beneficial, as it increases the town income and subsequently attracting more raiders.

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Generally speaking, brigands operated because they were incredibly poor - it was a very high-risk for low-reward lifestyle. (Note that most raiders in game have no weapons at all - they carry a wooden club!)

Now let’s look at the in-game effects of being able to “loot” raiders (rather than only them being able to loot you). You could farm them for supplies. Is this desirable? IMO, absolutely not. For one thing, it would have to be balanced by making them much more difficult to defeat (and its attendent RNG consequences) - do you want that, especially in your early game?

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I wanna enslave them or make them prisoners of some sort. They killed village’ granny :anguished:

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Village granny had it ‘comin’.

On that note though… I do believe an occasional weapon or armor, better still the occasional gold coin. Maybe even having broken armor and weapons that can either be repaired or melted down. Clothing I would say no, as it would be bloody or at least give you damaged clothes with a low durability.

There’s a mod for this now on Nexus… ‘Lootable Raiders’

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