KS update #10

I need to get some rest but just wanted to post this here quick to make sure everyone saw it.

Why do backers only get to see it? :cry:

I agree that post is only 4 backerZ!
You neeed boost your funds to produce coolness.

Keep up the great work!

Because there is new gameplay footage!

Hey, Spoiler alert! XD

I’m not agree whith that.
Owner of a key, i think i’m also a contributor and i’m granted to watch KS update #10.

No ?! :eek:

Freaking sweet update! Thanks a bunch for that, Medierra

Also, cool shirt.

ALL GD wise&calm Community interest is before than nervous private interest.

This 10. news is for 10 dayz Kickstarter exclusive. After that u can watch it too. Till then everyone of us pray 4 MOAR kickstarter FUNDS!

You want great and even diablo killer game so be patient please. It worth to be patient. Hold on for the last 10 dayz.

I think this marketing policy is good 2 produce moar fundz…

Woo! Kudos for working so hard. I’m sure the funds will be well-used =D can’t wait for alpha =D

Late night celebratory beer!

I didn’t know GD had a

Now I am even more sad that I have no way of backing. :frowning:

Nice update and I am very excited for you today. I hope everything goes well for you as additional publicity should really help really kick things into motion.

Also I hope you managed to get some good rest though I suspect you wont be able to really relax until this kickstarter machine comes to a full and complete stop.

First time I am ever disappointed because of Crate’s decisions.
I trusted you said there will be no exclusives, and everything you guys publish will be released to the public and more importantly your fans.
Just want to let you know there are fans out there who do not have the luxury to be able to fund on kickstarted.

I’m just frustrated I can’t see the newest video of my favourite upcoming game, and I’ve lost a bit of faith with you developers :confused:

I doubt that this is the last chance you will get to see what is in this video (in fact if you look up the thread a bit you might find someone shared it in their own youtube channel ;)).

My theory is that this is just an early look at a more extensive presentation of the little bit of gameplay shown here. Give them a little time and see what happens. :slight_smile:

*oops, I thought it was in this thread but it is in the big kickstarter thread http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showpost.php?p=55586&postcount=753

Don’t be upset SuN, I’m sure Crate will show this video soon for everyone.
The gameplay footage is a polished and animated version of this.

And it rocks ! Congrats Crate (I just uncap a beer myself for 280 000$ cap, you did a wonderful job !)

I had an Angry Orchard cider in celebration! I’m so glad Crate made their Kickstarter goal! Hopefully pledges will continue to come in!

Great job on the video! Even the part where Arthur is speaking! :stuck_out_tongue: I enjoyed the Arcanist play. Now wondering how an Occultist/Arcanist character would do.

Note to self: Stop using so many exclamation marks!!! :cool:

Well done Crate.

I am most disappointed though Arthur. When you started drinking that beer I was half expecting you were gearing yourself up to scull the whole lot. Drinking responsibly I see :slight_smile: Hmmmm, Grim Dawn beer steins. I’d buy one.

Anyway, will be great to see some extra staff members on the forums to provide more updates on the GD progress. I look forward to seeing what extra magic Crate can conjure up and put into this game, one of my most anticipated games.

Great, just what we needed… More ‘IMMA FIRING MAH LAZER’ bait!

Kidding, Arcanist really did look ffff awesome. I just hope that shield bubble move isn’t a proverbial WoW Paladin ‘I Win™’ button however.

I must admit I’m a bit disappointed that this update was reserved only for the Kickstarter backers. I mean, I had enough faith in this project to pay for the Legendary Edition almost 2 1/2 years ago. Shouldn’t that count for something?

If you own a Legendary (or any other edition from this site), isn’t there a way you can convert it to kickstarter w/o paying anything?.. Unless I’m mistaken…