Lazy Devs Where's My Expansion?

I’ll be the judge of that. :wink:

Btw the count is now up to between 78 and 80. :smiley:

Let’s say it’s 80, then. We gotta be fair and round it downwards, right?

You just said downwards and you said “80”, what? Yeah, if there’s 1.78 = 2, if there’s 1.8 it’s still 2, so 78 = 80, 79 = 80, 80 = 80. Easy math, dude.

Why is Devs forgotten not an option?

Didn’t think of it at the time I made the poll. :smiley:

Are we at Q3 already? :smiley:

Forgotten Devs sounds like a nice quest name now that I think about it.

The waiting is over, it’s official. 27th March 2019 Forgotten Gods will be released,

That fourth answer is getting funnier and funnier…I mean, it is a joke, right…RIGHT?

wow i can’t believe this expansion STILL isn’t out yet why is crate being so lazy or whatever

/s in case it’s not obvious

/thread :stuck_out_tongue:

I love how even the voting was in this poll, but the correct answer won out as it should. “It’ll be ready when it’s ready.” As was the case. :slight_smile:

This thread must be activated. The waiting starts again :rolleyes:

No, it doesn’t since we don’t know there’s going to be one yet! :rolleyes: