It should be really close to realease. I feel like we will see Grimtools update next weak or so.
From the 18th January stream:
“We’re actually about to push another test build to the playtesting group that’s going to introduce almost all the content that’s in the game with the exception of the final dungeon which we’re still working on, cause you know the final boss is going to take some time.”
3 to 8 weeks away then.
That is the closest it ever been.
Just got the last achievement. Crate, you now may release FG!
But what was your second to last achievement?
‘Celestial Guidance’, I really hope that doesn’t push the release date to Q2… :eek: :undecided:
So …Grim Dawn, Ashes of Malmouth and Crucible are currently 75% off on steam. This special promotion ends on february 11.
Forgotten Gods release at february 12 confirmed?
Since its a while someone has to ask,
When will the expansion release?
2 months later after they finish it.
No one knows. Q1 2019 is still what is said.
Running joke incoming.
Thanks for asking about the upcoming Forgotten Gods expansion for Grim Dawn! Due to the popular demand of the expansion we will now delay the release by 64 days. Don’t worry we will continue to delay the expansion for a day every time someone asks about it.
Every time, or for every questzion asked? So if I ask about it 255 times a once, will this count as one (since I asked one time, but many questions), or will every question be taken into account individually? :rolleyes:
One question is +1.
When will the expansion come out? #65
Will the expansion come out next week? #66
And so on. Oh, I “accidentally” asked if the expansion is coming out soon (#67)… Oops…
It counts once because I don’t do spams. That’s why Max set that phrase up on the discord to be activated manually, otherwise everyone would have been spamming it.
The expansion comes out tomorrow.
Tomorrow never comes.
Rinse and repeat.
Happy Valetine’s Day.
Well at least the FG achievements have been added to steam, that´s something. It´s not much, but better than nothing. Kinda. :mad:
Aww… Too bad. Else I’d have asked if the days to rlease are stored in a byte, short, or long integer and if an overflow would lead to resetting the number to zero.
Then we’d just have to calculate how many times we’d have to ask to make it come out tomorrow…
The bot calculates the days automatically, but can only be triggered by a command that Max, Zantai and I have access to.
What expansion ??? (it does count as -1 I’m pretty sure)
Well played