Legendary Torso and Helm feedback

I’ll take Arcane Will man. A buff to mark of Ulzuin instead of here would serve same purpose and make more sense :wink:

I will take Arcane Will as well. And maybe Fabric of Reality, it would be thematic since chest is for Aether too. So Elemental Balance/Arcane Will/Fabric of Reality + some more spirit sounds perfect to me. But add DA and chest becomes too much.

Adding the following to the Opening post:

Stormweave Armor (Worse than set torsos without their bonuses!)
TLDR: Skill bonuses are bad because no trozan player will ever use this over their set. The stats can be considered worse than venomblade’s torso not even factoring in set bonuses. The item proc is literally just an ok lightning bolt. Item can be a lot more generous for a non set piece.

Korovan’s Chestguard (Outclassed, displaced, undertuned)
TLDR: Piercing PB builds take SR set over this. Even if you consider this a placeholder until then, it could be more generous for a non set chest item. You could bump the weapon dmg on the proc, bump the numbers on the resists a bit, bump the DA and increase the numbers on those +skills. Maybe add a 4th +skill. That ought to make this enticing to experiment with pierce PB tactician.

Gildor’s Guard (underrated tank item with tiny issues)
TLDR;Please replace the bonus to fighting form with Menhir’s Bulwark. MB could use the support and nobody has ever taken this item with fighting form.

If you have the energy to spare and think about the rest of the item: Blade barrier sucks so replacing it with Pneumatic Burst or at least increasing it to +4 would be nice I guess.

Word of Renewal can be +3, people only really seeing solid use of this item on retaliation warlord.

Fiendscale Jacket (underrated tank item with tiny issues)
TLDR; bloody pox item… need I say more?

The proc sorely needs a debuff effect, one that doesn’t compete with BP would be best. Some DA would be lovely, or just be a bit more generous with the health I guess.

The +skills can really really really be higher here. +2->3 at least. I like that it has two occultist skills, maybe double down and give it two shaman skills instead of one?

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Probably because there is no real retaliation set that has chest piece, for physical damage.

Adding the following helms to the OP:

Voice of Dreeg (Not a single forum build and only 2 forum posts even mention it)
TLDR: This item is just competing with so many better (set) items for these skills. Flat acid dmg wasted since it’s a caster helm. Honestly Z maybe rework for something crazy even if it doesn’t work. Like Acid Cadence, Acid blade-arc, Acid Savagery, etc. Maybe Acid righteous fervor. Too tired to think deeply about it but this item has no identity that isn’t better elsewhere.

Ravager’s Deathgaze (health edition) (Outcompeted by the other 2)
TLDR; I think you either crank the health up to 10%, or you replace it with total speed.

Okaloth’s Visage (Cool new item, RF side is good, reset could use some tinkering)
TLDR;Go retal to attack on fire strike please. Not those lame mods.

RTA sigil hasn’t seen use on it either. Maybe it’s too new and the community is just smaller now. Maybe the gear support just isn’t there. I wouldn’t be afraid to just put +1 demolitionist on this thing and nix the RTA sigil all together. Otherwise you could try bumping the %RTA on sigil up and entice people.

One must note that righteous fervor lets you hit many times a second while sigil relies on its tic rate. You might argue that sigil also has AoE but against priority targets you need big dmg numbers.

Wyrmbone Mask (It’s not as far off as people think)
TLDR; Please add chaos resist… and phys resist. Also +1 Inquisitor or soldier would go a long way.
The following link shows that the item isn’t too far off for tactician’s sake.

Interestingly, despite the electrocute it’s still used in spam forcewave. If the above buffs seem too much, the electrocute given to horn of gandarr can be higher. I’m not sure about the stun jacks thing panning out.

Soulare’s Helm (weird class combos, weakest EoR build)
TLDR; All I know for sure is that this helm craves pierce/chaos/acid resist. Picking any of these would help. It also needs attack speed without a doubt for Eye of Reckoning.

Maybe SOULblade should support aether eye of reckoning… cuz dark souls, soulare helm…

Right now people are using it as a templar lol: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2BzDdJ2
Don’t know if anyone else has feedback for this.

Mask of Infernal Truth (Craves OA)
TLDR; Even retaliation builds need OA, can swap it for the flat dmg which retal builds don’t need. The +2 Grenado can be +2 shattering blast would be better. And it would happily give up that 8% dodge for another resist.

Dawnshard Gaze (Just give it a small buff to see if people experiment with it?)
TLDR; If it was good the russians would probably have built something with it already.

Aegis of Menhir can afford more RTA from this item because without sets Aegis is not going to get spammy. Rune of Kalastor can get more than +1 projectile. Otherwise I can’t make heads or tails of this item so I’ll bite my tongue.

Whisperer of Secrets (needs feedback after a certain competing bleed set gets nerfed but this item probably sucks)
TLDR; it’s a one-trick pony non set helm for blade-arc of all things. It’s got tough competition and probably needs to have a second bleeding dynamic that doesn’t compete with a set just so it can have its own identity.

Maw of Despair (add necro skill mod, siphon souls or fire/aether RE?)
TLDR; I just have a hunch that a necro skill mod to go with a certain set would fit into the next patch well.

If you could turn back the agrivix nerf a bit that’d be great. Either way the variants using this helm could use a bump up. Also if you could make the battlemage side of this set, aka the soldier side, better that would be amazing because battlemages need all the help they can get still.

Dread-Mask of Gurgoth** (decent item, but could be more fun)
TLDR;It would be nice to see the stormbox side of this item dropped completely and double down on lightning mortars and totems.

The % dmg is abnormally low too. It’s the weaker of the two mortar builds by a decent amount and so adding lightning dmg to the mortars and dropping the stormbox line to give mortar and totem more support would make it even more of its own build definer.

Horns of Korvaak (Sad)
So far the only thing someone’s made with it is a meh DoT deceiver. Super sad for being the final boss legendary. The proc is cool I just wish this helm was more special.

Crown of the Revenant King (needs community feedback)
TLDR; Vit smite, needs feedback. Anyone?

Venomancer’s guile (check after 1.1.4 changes)
TLDR; maybe with bloody pox acid set change and amarastan crusher this will see use.

Eldritch Gaze (needs community feedback)
I’ve seen builds use this weirdly but NEVER for chaos blade arc. I think Chaos Blade Arc utterly flopped and the effort it’d take to make it good is not worth it. Vitality blade arc might have a better chance though!
Needs feedback after previous changes

Covenant of the Three (Doom bolt is still meh to main, needs community feedback)
TLDR; bis for a certain doom bolt build, but doom bolt as your main ability is still lacking. I don’t know if doom bolt ultimate ranks need more love or just its itemization.
Needs more feedback.
Follow this build: [] [HC] Vitality Doom Bolt Sentinel [vids]

Abyssal Mask (bloody pox tier, more likely to be used for 1 point RR)
TLDR; It’s a bloody pox item… poor bloody pox

  • Soulare, that’s used in DW aether melee Reaper, but could use some boost.

  • Maw of despair, try to build CT burn build, but was unpleasantly surprised by aether conversion. So it’s strictly aether it’s and aether is in bad spot. So please remove conversion and add damage bonus, so it can be usable in different combos.

  • Ravager helms, I used personally only the one with AdctH

  • Gaze of Empyrion, maybe boost, like -10% RR on AoC will worth it, but isn’t that bad.

  • Okaloth, that’s currently limited to RF build having some retaliation damage.

  • Wyrmborne, that’s niche item. Needs more bonuses to support otherwise weak build

  • Other helmets, I haven’t use them, because they are either bad on didn’t fit in any of my builds. Acid Cadence support is welcomed, btw.

I too would welcome acid cadence. And it would support the meme of the game having cadence in every flavor.

There was one, but it’s outdated, this was before the recent buffs to BA, I believe: []The Eldritch Arc Witchblade

Been working on an updated version myself during playtesting (MI pants probably unnecessary, Barbaros should work): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/pZrDM112
I don’t run Crucible, would need a better pilot to test it there. Gotten as far as SR40 so far without issue though, still need to test further there, but I tend to get sidetracked testing other things when it comes to endgame builds. Also, made it before the change to Abominable Might, that might be worth looking at. Feel free to ask on Discord, can send you the save if you want to test it further.

Is an amazing helmet actually. I have used it in my fire EoR Paladin build. Synergy with Conduit that adds duration to Ascension is pretty great. People just don’t know how to use that helm really.

Out of all the helms on my list I knew that it would get the most push back. I guess I just want the auradin aspect of it to be stronger and I over sold my case. I’ll tweak the OP

Edit: eh I just removed it from the list. High radius on reduce enemy DMG is pretty amazing and makes kiting safer.

I’d really appreciate more input on helms lower down on the list.

  • Soulare helm is a decent item. It’s kinda meme-ish, but usable. Here is my aether reaper using it: [] The Divine Reaper - DW Aether WPS Reaper. Aether EoR honestly have no item support in other armor equipment. IDK why the dev want EoR work in all damage types. It will just messing with their item design.

  • Venomancer’s guile will not be used anymore after the next patch when venomblade helm give RR to bloody pox. Just redesign the damn thing.

  • Venomancer’s railment, caster armor, but converting pierce to acid, then give plus skills to RE, then it gives plus skills to ABB. Just redesigned the damn thing.

  • Crown of the Revenant King. I was so excited when this design of helm got revealed. So cool. Only to find out that it’s a caster helm that gives modifier to smite? The Lore said “Death bows before its king.” The only thing that dead is the player who wear this helm. Just redesigned this item as a pet item supporting raise skeleton.

I have one point to Fiendmaster Raiment chest. Why is there Siphon Souls instead of some Necro pet skill?

the main attraction to that item is the bonuses to DA. I used it on one of my meme rain builds pre-FG.

I actually remember finding it difficult to keep my DA up on that sorcerer. Yeah, it’s a poor choice for a BM to be sure (Soldier passively grants you DA) but on other weaker builds I feel it makes a decent placeholder. Having said all that, I am happy with your proposals.

  • Mythical Shroud of Illusion: added 25% of Aether dealt as Elemental, replaced bonus to Aura of Conviction with +2 to Aura of Censure
  • Mythical Vestments of the Great Guardian: added 25% of Chaos dealt as Acid
  • Mythical Stormweave Armor: added 3% Physical Resist, increased Offensive Ability to 90 and Defensive Ability to 60
  • Mythical Fiendscale Jacket: increased Health to 950, increased damage on the skill proc and added Defensive Ability Reduction to it
  • Mythical Venomancer’s Raiment: increased Offensive Ability to 80, updated Conversion to 25% of Elemental dealt as Acid
  • Mythical Frostdread Cuirass: increased % Bleed Resist to 40%
  • Mythical Voice of Dreeg: added 25% of Chaos dealt as Acid
  • Mythical Whisperer of Secrets: increased Health to 480 and Offensive Ability to 96
  • Mythical Maw of Despair: added 26 Aether damage modifier for Field Command
  • Mythical Dread-Mask of Gurgoth: fixed missing Lightning damage modifier for Mortar Trap
  • Horns of Korvaak: added Petrify and % Elemental Damage Reduction to the skill proc. Cooldown reduced on the high level version.
  • Mythical Crown of the Revenant King: added 4% Attack Speed and increased Vitality damage modifier for Smite to 110
  • Mythical Venomancer’s Guile: added 25% of Chaos dealt as Acid, increased Acid damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 55
  • (Mythical) Eldritch Gaze: increased Burn/Bleeding damage and Defensive Ability Reduction on the skill proc
  • (Mythical) Covenant of the Three: increased Burn/Bleeding damage and Defensive Ability Reduction on the skill proc
  • Mythical Abyssal Mask: added 4% Cast Speed

Above are the 1.1.4 changes to items in this thread. I wish I could remove some but since these slots are so competitive I don’t feel I can safely remove much without feedback. Also I think whisperer of secrets should be reworked to go with the bloodborer pistol, bleeding inquisitor and whatnot, another bleed more to storm spread or another inquisitor wps.

I will be removing from this thread: dread-mask of gurgoth, and also fateweaver’s raimant because I just found some good places for it.

The main problem i see with many of these items is that some of them feel like bunch of random stats scrambled together to make a legendary.

Take Horns of Korvaak, by first glance i have no clue wtf is it supposed to do. It has + inquis and occult skill yet the conversion is focus on elemental and has savagery modifier…? Also wtf is with random +3 shadow strike on it, who on earth would ever use this item for that?

Much prefer other stuff especially consider set items are usually hyper focused and Ravager’s Dreadgaze exists.

It’d help if any of us had a cohesive idea for what the Horns of Korvaak could do that would fit thematically and see use.

Turn + 1 occulist to +1 Shaman and +3 shadowstrike to another occulist skill (curse of fragility?) and it’d support vindictators or Conjurers just fine imo.

Removed Gaze of Empyrion, it has some niche uses that are nice enough. The vindictive flame side of it could be better, the rest is fine.

More feedback on these would be wonderful…

Mythical Abyssal Mask: increased Vitality damage modifier for Drain Essence to 86


Curious if this can actually work out. That’s a lot of dmg to drain essence.

Updated my stance on divinesteel hauberk. It’s better now, partially due to other item buffs, maybe it’s fine. But I stand by my opinion that the +skills could be better. We’d need suggestions for it though.