Let's delete battlemage already

Yeah Battlemage is pretty awful in next patch should just be deleted tbh

Real talk: It’s getting there. Still kinda blows since Arcanist has no source of +% Attack Speed whereas literally every other mastery in existence does. But at least the anti-synergy is gone. I don’t think relegating the +% Attack Speed to Reckless Power is the right choice; I’d rather see it on something like Arcane Will.

Edit: Also why is Squad Tactics such a joke of a skill nowadays? At 17/12 it’s worse than most other skills before ultimate levels.

not everything has to be optimal. i enjoy creating “weird” less optimal builds. they still do 40k dps and around 80-110k crits clearing ultimate HC. people should start to learn to enjoy the game and its huge build diversity instead of only wanting the meta game :rolleyes:

The last battlemage I made has the shitty legendary alkamos scythe and he still does a steady 55k dps and 100-105k crits. killed Logh on HC ultimate easily.

Idk, changing reckless power will look less artifical, also it selectively buffs battlemage and compensates gun sorcs for losing attack speed on Vortex of Souls, while spellbreakers will be unaffected. But yeah, I want melee or ranged druids to be viable so probably reckless power isn’t the best place. Imo the only other place where it won’t look that out of place is IEE, but that’ll make IEE way too similar to Solael’s.

Edit: also I’d like to remind that Arcanist offers way less flat damage than occultist so reckless power and IEE need their flat dmg improved. Especially Reckless Power.

Don’t make one and he won’t suck.


Arcanists are arcanists. They don’t need attack speed.

They need casting speed, which they do.

The Battlemages are probably in the same time the easiest build to plan (not necessarily to play, but to plan as a strategy) and one of the builds with the most various developments: You can aim for maximal damage absorption with Bulwark+Sphere of Protection, for melee elemental damage with Elemental Exchange+Discord, for a duel/mass melee combo with Cadence+Callidor’s Tempest, for a disabler (not sure about the name) with Blitz/Blade Arc/Forcewave+Flash Freeze etc. That build usually lacks health points in late game, but not much more than most builds beyond the Allmighty Warder.

Have you considered Empowered Essence in amulet slot and and Tyrant’s Aetherwarped Cleaver of Fury (if you have one that is, cause i don’t) as the weapon.
Your sheet DPS should drop only a little but your AS would shoot up nicely

I would recommend a different gloves but apparently the passive gives you AS in the next patch.

Also, i’ve never used Markovian Strategim on any non-retaliation build. Is it BiS? I never get around to testing it so an experienced opinion helps

Don’t make one and he won’t suck.

It’s precisely because I know he sucks I won’t build one.
Once you actually try some of the stuff you’re talking about you might be able to show me my place. :wink:

-Damage absorption isn’t additive so no. Maiven + Bulwark is redundant. Just pick one and save your precious skill points

-Arcanist lacks elemental RR, Elemental as a whole lacks good Tier-3 support (Blind Sage is a Tier-0 constellation for me, it just outright sucks).
So Elemental Discord Cadence is more of Witchblade thing or Commando thing

-duel/mass melee, what?

-Blitz is a one point wonder for most builds, not that its bad skill or anything.
Forceweave isn’t the best of skills out there
Flash Freeze sucks vs bosses, unless you pull of some gimmick like Night’s Embrace

-Health isn’t an issue imo.

A good battlemage is hard to plan imo. But an unoptimized mess (which battlemages usually are) is easy to make.

I dont see any reason why phyz melee BM is not vialbe. yeah, Arcanist dosent provide %iAS, but, lets face the terrible true - 12% iAS is hardly notticable. Just pick arcane will, inner focus and miror from Arcanist, put all else in soldier and you are good to go. Not OpieOpie like WH, but doable .

ok this is weird lol :stuck_out_tongue: last 2 days i was thinking battlemage gonna be really cool for next patch and they will be super strong and fill niche builds…

then i saw this thread… people might have different perspective and game understanding but this is kinda not true and fair …

no they dont suck and i can list 1million reasons here… will they be top tier builds? maybe, but i can think they will battle for top tier chars after next 1.08 patch…

i guess you lack some sorta imagination and theorycrafting abilities mate, pls dont get me wrong about this. just saying

No one said it’s not doable, even before this patch Physical BM was easy to make. It’s still inferior to Commando and Witchblade. It’s hard to go wrong when build around physical as a damage type

Even the buffs of this patch don’t exactly make them top tier. Discord is most certainly not optimal with Arcanist.

BM’s don’t suck
Most things a BM does another class combo does better
BM has little to no support and hence are hard to work with.
Personally, i am tired of using the same gear and would like a Battlemage supporting set this expansion, along with support for some unusual things like Aether Lightning (:cool:), Aetherfire, Vitality Cold. And some good items that are converting things to Cold damage.

Cold conversion would work better on Spellbreacker. :stuck_out_tongue:

Physical BM is viable in because of Cadence meta so sacrificing DPS by choosing Arcanist was okay - you still have enough, more than some of my 2H builds. In I predict shield Cadence striving to get every help possible - Temper, rr, attack speed bonuses. Basically Discord is BM’s only hope for now. I’m sceptical about it though. You could had stacked great amount of conversion even w/o Discord, but what’s the point if there’s no gear that buffs both aether/elemental and has +Cadence and +Deadly Momentum, unless you happen to have a BoM with +5, good luck with that. If it wasn’t good before then Discord buff doesn’t change much imo.

I just want things to convert something to cold. We have unusual conversions supporting most damage types except Cold. I love using Cold as a damage type :cool:

Discord will never be optimal with BM

Aether Battlemage

Ptiro’s Aether Ray Battlemage (Not optimal, but it’s too good to be left out)

Like i said Battlemage is just hard to work with, just keep bashing your head you’ll figure it out. :wink:

I’m surprised you have this opinion considering you helped me understand the basics of a certain skill a while back O_O

You mean Blade Arc?


It’s kinda sorta finished, you know

I had to level a new BM cause i think i made a mistake with the one i previewed :confused:

I guess it’s not posted yet. Maybe you’ll be the one to change my opinion. But that would be hard, because I stand by opinion that even if a class can shine with super high end setup as long as it falls apart if you replace a few pieces it won’t count as a proof that BM is okay in my book.

I doubt i can change your opinion with the upcoming build

Battlemage is okay in my book as well, mostly its the games fault since i am using some other class combos gear to make the setup work.

Although the Shield Caster Battlemage i posted is one of my favorites since it achieves performance w/o Devastation.
And that one build is reason enough that i don’t hate Battlemages all together And it also fits your criteria of not falling apart when i switch some gear pieces.
I don’t need anything besides Decree and Arcane Shard for conversion (core of the build) in that build

Druid is the one class i passionately hate, mainly cause it can’t transform into a werewolf :rolleyes:

I’m pretty sure damage absorption is additive, but not in the way you think. While Bulwark (12%) and Maiven (20%) don’t add up to 32%, they provide
1-(1-12%)(1-20%) = 29.6% which is still very good.

thanks for correcting, i was already changing my theorycrafted warlock build lol :smiley:

Someone else needs to confirm this.

Cause this is just outright ridiculous. It’s too OP to have escaped the nerfs if it indeed is like this