Let's make a trap out of willow branches and catch freshwater crayfish

Let’s make the L2 fishing spot one that allows the use of traps. And I hope the basket shop L2 makes the traps. Likewise, I would like to change the system to a system where traps are made at blacksmith shops and hunters take them with them.

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The idea of traps being made would be neat

What is the purpose of the crayfish - just another source of fish for food? Maybe you can make dye or ornaments out of some shells.

I am in general support of fish l2. It would be nice to have everybuilding have an upgrade to fit the aesthetic generally of a late game town or its outskirts (if the base model does not already). Weird to have production buildings made of stinks surrounded by a dowtown core of opulent mortar and shingle buoldings for instance.