This was going to be a screenshot but I couldn’t resist editing it…
Haha, loving it…
And hey, if you can’t get way with the occasional edit of an intended screenshot, then who can?
Hehe, nice one. =)
The question is, is it a graphical glitch or is the bug really eating his head? O_o
(which is too awesome to be true I guess, but would definitely guarantee you 3rd bought copy from me, lol)
Great scenery, sheaves FTW!
The puns! She can ey take em capt’n!
can’t stop laughing :D:D:D
LOL love it!
Now get back to work!
oh you…
Getting cutscene-vibes from this one.
I agree if the monsters can interact with the player with this level of detail that would be too cool.
It is just a perfect chance positioning - there is no system to allow the enemies to deliberately interact with the player character that way. To do so would require us to disrupt a player’s control over their character, which is the type of thing I think looks cool once and then becomes incredibly annoying.
Functionally, it isn’t much different then stun but I think there is a psychological difference. When I get stunned, I feel like it is the result of taking stun damage and I find that acceptable. When I lose control so that an enemy can play a special animation on me, I feel like I am being forced to watch something because the designers think it’s cool. Maybe I’m just jaded though.
It would kinda ruin the flow in TQ (and GD) I think.
but, if you could combine both, say, you’re in a fight with typhon, and he comes slapping you in the face, results in a critical, and slams the toon hitting an column. you got stun, screenshake, and an awesome 1 second clip of your toon hitting the massive columns of mount Olympus. the downside would be if the player could interact, he would be grumbling all day that his back is hurting:P!
For me, there’s a difference between a killing blow with a cool animation or whether it’s just an ‘attack’ that happens on a regular basis and maybe even consecutively from the same mob.
Like in Dawn of War, the ‘sync kills’ only happen when a melee hit makes the kill, and instead of just being a regular bash it does a cool animation.
I didn’t mind it in dead space, and I wouldn’t mind it in an arpg (as long as it’s only for when the player dies, and not something that happens every time a melee player makes a kill), but obviously everyone elses mileage may vary.
I reckon that an short clip would be cool as a character death animation, if it was a regular attack by monster or toon, it would get old fast. But a short death clip that plays if you get hit at the right time or if its a one-shot-kill, that would work well I think.
I can picture the animation as the bug picks up the struggling hero, shakes it like a dog as it bites down on the neck, causing the body to fly off, hit a hay stack, and be fought over by the other two bugs in the pack, followed by the first bug tossing the head up in the air to let it slide down its throat.
Yeah, on death is totally different and I’d have no objection to that from a gameplay perspective. We actually had a pretty cool system for sync-kills in Black Legion, the console RPG we were developing at the end of Iron Lore. That was slated to be an $18m to $21m game though.
For GD, creating that system and making all the animations you’d need for various enemies would be a ton of work and probably wouldn’t be worth the amount of effort it would take.
i gotta say im not a big fan of player death animations, they have them in Skyrim and i find that as soon as i lose control of my character i know its coming and instantly pop open the menu to load. i didnt realize i was doing it automatically until i read this thread…
Oh come on, let the enemy have their fun too! =))
Anyway, if editor is capable of creating some animations or death effects, it is more than enough, medierra.
Bug humor …
Stay while and listen…
Maybe worth…
…Done when it’s done. This is how legend born.