Let's talk about : Underpowered Set

Full Deathmarked - I personally am not a fan of it ever since AoM was released

Full Dreeg - Full Dreeg is now good again since it got its Global Buff back, posting a Dreeg Hunter is redundant imo considering Tomo already has it
Dreeg’s Dagger has been brought up many times
Dreeg’s Helm is odd indeed I have no idea what the heck the helm is supposed to do (good point)

Full Markovian - I personally put Markovian below Warborn but I think it fits jajaja’s Double Blitzer concept. I still don’t think Markovian needs a buff.

Full Ultos - Only one Druid uses it and that is mad_lee’s build. I always thought Ultos could use some more meat, I think it was nerfed in vanilla cause it had a lot of Physical Resist but I never brought it up cause there are other sets that are in a much worse place when compared to ultos

On 5pc sets:

Deathmarked, Ultos: just buff em. Both are weak rn.

Ulzuin: a slight push might push this to cruci tier and I would support that push

Dreeg: actually good now that it got the proc back. It should already be BiS for DEE now, imo.

Markovian: the set’s not bad, though Warborn and Octavius are better in their respective builds. Still, it has it’s own niche in beronath conversion builds. Don’t think the set needs to be touched.

Iskandra - I think it’s binder that made full iskandra (and all other aether sets except allagast cause that’s for mh) good even in cruci. Tells you a lot about binder lol. Remove binder from the equation and we get a set that’s neither bad nor good. I mean MH can still use it for aether, but not to the same effect as binder does. Im still struggling to put up an elemental list that uses the full set, though there’s a good amount of new builds using 4pc and weapon damage. Wouldn’t even want to buff the elemental part of this, though cause it’ll turn out to be a binder buff due to all the conversion it can have.

Iskandra was already good before Binders the full set wasn’t popular until Tz Tz posted 1 million builds with it. The full set bonus is pretty decent. Offensively I found the set pretty weak but defensively it’s good.

Dreeg’s Set - is indeed BiS but JoV’s point about the helm and dagger is valid. The latter has been brought up many times by many different people for having an odd base weapon damage

Ultos - I am sure there are other sets that need buffs before we get to this one. I don’t think this particular set is too weak but not too strong either. It could use the meat

Ulzuin - the weakest part is the rifle imo, if Justicar is meant to be defensive then Ulzuin should be offensively awesome but the rifle just sucks dicks. The Fire Strike mod needs more punching power (a rifle skill mod comparable to a 1h mace)

MArkovian is not really worth playing at 150+ if you don’t go double blitz. Doable but not fun

It;s why I made WB tactician. At least the fun lies in never giving ground

Octavius is waaay ahead

Yes the rifle is pretty weak. A bit of Attack speed would help a lot IMO but the full set give already 30%. The cost reduction to fire strike is useless. Ireally want to see something more crazy on the gun, something to say “I’m f**** Ulzuin bro !”

But the entire set have some problem :

  • Lot’s of buff to burn damage but very few option to stack it. A fire/lightening base set should be more effective I think.
  • Even if the set is offensive, only the shoulders gives you very few DA (only 34 on GrimTool). The fact that this set gives very few DA and HP in a class with no DA/HP buff, make this set very squishy.
  • The buff to Vindictive Flame on the Amulet is meh…
  • Ulzuin’s Flame is a good skill, but Avatar of Ulzuin, even if stats are good, doesnt synergize very well with the set gameplay. Something with more or ranged shold be great. Or rework the skill to solve de defensive issues of the set.

well the set has quite a bit of crit dmg and flat burn yet myth helbourne + jsuticar deos more burn dmg because of more %wp dmg via bursting round+ the flat fire mod.

So uzuin rifle could empower FS more for burn I guess. Make it an actual flame thrower.

I’d love it if this set rifle attack would look like a mini FoI:)

Lol that you mentioned it :smiley:

As far as I remember, I already use Iskandra’s Set prior AoM
It seems I’m one member of Iskandra’s Fan ^^

Yes the rifle is pretty weak. A bit of Attack speed would help a lot IMO but the full set give already 30%. The cost reduction to fire strike is useless. Ireally want to see something more crazy on the gun, something to say “I’m f**** Ulzuin bro !”

The rifle is not just weak - its the worst possible option for autoatacker. No IAS, no flat dmg. 18% WD for Firestrike push capped FS with capped Es from 197% to 218% WD - merely 10% dmg increase. And it don’t even affect firestrike line sealing points - ES and brimstone.
This gun need some love:
1)Add 16% IAS so we could reach 200% cap.
2)Switch %WD to %total dmg on firestrike line.
3)remove health and put it to chest armor.
4)remove flat burning, add flat fire dmg.

My bad somehow It skipped me that they returned buff mythical Dreeg.
Others are like I wrote when compared to their respective counterparts way underdoged (ie. comparing Markovian to octavius or warborn, DM to Belgothian etc).

Mythical Valdun Set could also use some buff, + skills, some damage modifiers to attacking skills, as current Valduns’ Rifle is crap comparing to Silverbolt



220-300 Physical Damage
50% Armor Piercing
64-70/96-104 Piercing Damage
+12/+18% Crit Damage


225-274 Physical Damage
40% Armor Piercing
31/47 Piercing Damag

There si no way. I mean seriously. The + 2 skills are deceiving in this case. Valdun is miles above silverbolt used in full set especially with the shotgun proc

Iskandra is very versatile.
It dualisme for Caster/Melee and Aether/Elemental make it very useful in a lot of Builds.

Same like Justicar, it can be used by either Melee or Range (even Caster) also Physical or Fire Burn Builds

Deathmarked seems need some buffs so people will choose it for it’s dualisme Pierce/Cold

People tend to choose nice roll Green Weapons over Deathmarked’s.
Something buffs to DM wouldn’t hurt…

Adding OA to DM, and make Reaper’s Mark like Silver Mark (On Crit) would be nice, since less active button pressed increased QoL

Perhaps you are right, however some skills modifiers and + skills on rifle would be very welcome for this set as tacticiians lack skill points from what i have seen from other people’ builds and many Mythical sets have some bonuses to skills, this set needs them as well.

They won’t buff Valdun in this age with skill mods :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing I hope for is +2 Inquisitor Skills. Skills mods are of course added bonus

I like the Reaper’s Mark On Crit suggestion

It is versatile, but it still lacks power. It’s themed for offhand melee with lots of defense and all that defense is great. In terms of the offense it is meant to be though, there’s just not enough skills that support WD Offhand Elemental. Now I kinda wish for a medal converting aether to elemental on CT :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, since AoM, we have free skills from AoM Components that can be used for triggering Devo Skills.
So changing Reaper’s Mark On Crit wouldn’t hurt, we still can use components skills instead if we need additional devo skills trigger.

Just increase OA bonus on Iskandra and move it to 3 or 4 set completion bonus ^^
Arcanist already has nice Crit, good OA will increase it’s potential power.

This amulet converts 100% Aether to Lightning in CT.

I wish we had 100% Global Aether to Elemental conversion gears :stuck_out_tongue:
Currently only lightning has it, and green helm for devastation (which nice tho)
Fire one can’t reach maximum global conversion

I wish to collect full Valdun set before trying it out, of course Valdun tactician wiill not be able to clear Crucible/Lokarr/Mogdrogen/Ravager properly, at least he could be complete campaign.

frankly speaking I don’t understand why some Mythical sets receive considerable bonuses (Like Agrivix set), while others remain unbuffed.

Or maybe developers consider Valdun is fine as it is?

Why on earth not :slight_smile:

Especially with 0.6 blessing and monster tweaks

heard about upcoming moster tweaks in the next update, but what about 0.6 blessing? Could you pls give a ling or clarify what it means? Sorry for stupid question if this has already been discussed elsewhere.

Sure. check zantai posts in this thread for the sample changes. He posted samples twice. Changes will seriously enable builds across the board