Comprei o jogo ontem. Quando sair as outras atualizações teremos acesso? Pois sempre aparece uma msg de licença antecipada ao iniciar o game.
Welcome to the forum.
Not sure what you mean. The expansions for Grim Dawn are available to buy any time you want to.
Assuming you are refering to Farthest Frontier I moved the topic. The State of Early Access - Update #01 should provide some answers.
Supondo que você esteja se referindo à fronteira mais distante, eu mudei o tópico. The State of Early Access - Update #01 deve fornecer algumas respostas.
He wants to know wether the definite release of FF will be accessed to us, owners of the early access, or will it have an additional fee to get the full release when its out?
No, there’s no extra money involved. People who have early access get the full release when it happens.
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