List of hard green items?

hi i just want to know of there is a list of all those green items with insane affix etc…

The best I can think of is this list. MIs Worth Caring About

Also GD tools allows you to filter green items and see their affixes pool.

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thx a lot of the link :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll clarify it again here that MIs by default do not have insane affixes. Affixes are by definition random. The better question to ask is what MIs have insane base stats to the point that you might not even care about the affixes when deciding whether to use them or a legendary. That is what the above link aims to do. I estimate there are 10 items of note on there that don’t quite reflect their current rankings if we pooled all player knowledge and explored every single last option. However with patch looming on the horizon there seems to be universal agreement that any time spent on updating the list will likely be wasted when provides a significant overhaul on affixes and numerous base items.

With on the way I strongly advise keeping ANY AND ALL DOUBLE RARES (well except for weapons with bad affix pairings, won’t save those). Any non weapon with double rare affixes is very likely to become a ginormous stat stick in

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