[Loot] MIs, Legendaries, Mythicals ... and beyond!?

A new color would be great (red for example). So we can filter the rare greens and still being able to find the MI’s! :smiley:

What’s so bad about rare greens?

There are plenty of sucky MIs, they’re only good because of affixes they roll with and considering we don’t have MIs for certain slots it’d be risky to do this

Although if we now have an MI for every slot then I would say +1 to this:p

+1 but not red, i 'd rather say light green like in TQ:AE

How about pink?:rolleyes:

I agree definitely not red but light or maybe dark green.

The rarity of MIs are determined by their affixes, so a single color for MIs would never work. Otherwise, a simple dermapteran slicer would be colored the same as dermapteran slicer with 2 rare affixes, and thus the new MI color would quickly become meaningless.

I think we need an asterisk or italicized text to differentiate MIs while keeping the color rarity system as it is. This way, players can tell at a glance both whether the item is an MI and whether the affixes are rare. So much information would be lost by using just one color, and the screen would look like rainbow vomit if each tier of MI was given its own color to denote its rarity.

That sounds like a good name for a channeling skill

Fair enough. But I still would like to have a filter of MI’s and rare greens. It takes a while to browse through all the green items to find a usefull one. Especially in crucible.

Honest question: why do you guys need a special color for MIs?

What matters is how good/bad the item is, regardless of its color/rarity.

So they stand out more in the sea of green in crucible.

QoL . Its easy to miss good MI in lootmess.

New colour for MIs would be nice…

because of the new modifiers which will be on MIs too :wink: , for me its enough if they change the description from “rare” to “MIs.” …

a darker green for double rares would be cool

Because MI is special in itself, I agree to make it a special color.
Obtaining it satisfies the collector heart. If it is a special color, it would be even more pleasing to have it.

The order of rareness also tells the quality of the item from the same lvl.
From bad till good it (mostly) goes like this:
White, yellow, green, blue, purple.

In most cases green items will be better than yellow items of the same lvl.*
But sometimes green items (MI) have better stats then purple legendaries and that doesn’t just make sense to me.

*this all depends on what build you are playing but like I said, it counts in most cases.

If this is untrue please tell me so others won’t believe what I said.
I have only played 450+ hours into this game

If we discuss only item quality, whether MI or not will make no sense. But I am not talking about quality.
MI are the items dropped by certain very powerful bosses, so I think that these are worthy as the special trophies. That’s how it is with collector.

I believe most of the MIs you are referring to are actually uniques that drop from a specific boss. Most MIs are slightly better versions of regular gear dropped by a specific mob type and it does not sound like you care much for those.

Well I might be wrong but MI is for Monster Infrequent.

Usually they translate as an automatic Rare (even with Yellow Affix) and they drop from a specific ennemy. There is some “exception” like the Yeti Horn and that Rifle that drop from an ennemy “type” but most of the MI in Grim Dawn actually drop from one specific boss (most purple ennemy got their own MI). Even without any Affix they currently drop as “Green” Item as they have what I like to refer as “free stat” on them.

This is not entirely correct. The majority of MIs are from a monster type (like the Ascended and Incendiary items from Cronley’s gang), some are from specific bosses. Those from specific bosses are sometimes green/rare and sometimes unique.

I’ve checked Grim Dawn gamepedia (i don’t know about this but it is tagged as OFFICIAL) and those monster infrequents there listed with green color. We need another brighter color for it, and i think found the good choice in this forum.
Crate employees have it in their name or just change the tag to ‘Monster Infrequent -insert equipment type here-’ for simplicity.