steam cloud save glitched and i lost the last 3 days of play. anyone else experience this? it just happened
you sure save locations didn’t just switch?
*keep in mind if it is a steam cloud sync issue there is nothing devs can do/they have no control over that since it’s entirely a Steam system
no there was an error syncing and then i lost progress. i know its fked but i just wanna know if it happened to anyone else
yep, you can find several posts about, both for GD and other games
it’s why you will see some players (incl me) recommend against relying on steam cloud and use local saves and other backup methods
personally lost like like 400? hours progress in Borderlands 2 from steam cloud just wiping my playthrough
and you can see messed up syncs/wrong sync refreshes more frequent from players using multiple systems, like playing on deck and desktop and then trying to get saves from A to B or vice versa and steam clouds uploads/syncs+overwrites the older progress platform instead
Happens far too often for my liking so I never use cloud saving.
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