Just my 2 cents, but it is kinda pointless to even have access to crafting these Level 33-50 runes, since unless you go right away after killing Kreeg to the Korvan basin, you will not get access to any Eldritch enemies who would drop Eldritch essence (and I for one prefer to play the game in the order the expansions were released, for the story to be linear). So by the time I get my first Eldritch Essence and could use a rune, I am usually over 65 or more even on Veteran, meaning I only get access to the level 50 Glyphs quite late… unless some blown up epic or legendary item, or a treasure trove accidentally gives me one.
So I feel if nothing else, the lover levels (Emblems and Glyphs) should require crafting materials you can find normally, like Ancient Hearts and such.
Just transfer over some Eldritch essences.
Not going to conclave of the three and side with a witch god to pick up a movement skill as early as possible is a huge loss. I can almost not imagine not to play without a movement augment asap.
The FG expansion story can be started as soon as you have completed the “hidden path” quest btw, if you wanna make “sense” of it.
@medea_fleecestealer this belongs in “ideas and feedback”?
Transfer? Those things are not easy to get, and I need every one of them to try and complete sets, usually.
I do pop over there to grab the free runes, of course. But the later ones are more useful.
Oneshot chests in Forgotten Gods campaign afaik have guaranteed Eldritch Essences so it’s not unusual for me to have 6-7 spare Eldritch Essences before reaching level cap.
But yeah, I agree that makes mid-tier mobility runes very expensive. I usually craft only one or two before endgame and keep the medal as long as possible.
I have 321 of them. And I restarted in patch 1.1.7
Just for the sake of completing sets or to make characters that can farm? If you do make farming characters, you can therefore farm them Farming Routes/Farming Guides Compilation at Note that in higher SR shards (at least in ultimate) you get 1-3 per completed run. The waystone costs one so overall you gain Eldritch Essences.
You first complaint was that Eldritch Essences are not accessible if you play the DLC’s in order (which is a self-imposed constraint) and now you complain that Eldritch Essences are rare in general?
Ok you are breaking your own preferences then for the sake of QoL. BTW I realized, there is an Eldritch monster totem in the temple of the three, I think I have gotten some Eldritch essences there.
In what sense are the later ones more useful? They have slightly more damage and shorter cooldown, that’s it. I use faction ones until like level 100.
321? How the hell? Usually even one Rift, erm Shattered Realms run gives you 3-4. And while there are places like totems or Korvan City that have a greater chance of getting them, they are nowhere as easy to get as say, Tainted Brain Matters.
And I don’t make gear for other characters “that can farm”, I make gear for other characters I want to try out because I find that playstyle interesting. If I wanted to grind and farm all day, I’d play an MMO! (rimshot). There is a reason I hate those… And unlike Eldritch Essence you don’t need to farm the other ones that much as they drop reliable from blowing up unnecessary items, not to mention there are vendors who can turn one type into the other.
I really feel we should have a vendor who converts say, 5 Aetherial Mutagen into 1 Eldritch Essence. I have more of those now than I need (other then to sometimes craft items I can then transmogrify into other parts of that set, which I need to do with lower level non-mythic set items mostly since I am unlikely to find many of those at level 100)
No, I only pop over there and join one witch cult around level 50 or so, after I already did the temple of the three. Then I can get that cult’s emblem. I don’t do any quests or leave the city.
Some of the lower level ones are useful for certain characters - while most of my “mage” type characters use the simple teleport, I find the ones that teleport and do some type of damage benefit casters as well. And yeah, sometimes I do need to resort to just transferring over an Eldritch Essence to my lower level characters, thing is when you are still leveling up you change Medals relatively often, making this a costly endeavour.
I see Eldritch essences as tainted brain or ancient hearts, but in FG regions.
https://grimdawn.fandom.com/wiki/Egellon_-_Forgotten_Smith perhaps this dude could be upgraded? 1 celestial lotus (which is even more rare) into 1 eldritch essence is a scam! At least increase the rate to 3-5 eldritch essences! Yeah could be a good idea to have him also transmute say 3-5 ancient hearts / tainted brain matters into 1 eldritch essence.
From FG general areas maybe, Lotus is bountiful if you run Tomb of the Heretic though as every Scion boss, Magi and Morg have a chance of dropping them. Morg can even drop Celestial Essence for the masochistic.
For anyone that doesn’t want to run Tomb or can’t afford the keys, Celestial Totems are also not bad on drop rates and easy to run if you rift to Burrwitch and check Galeslice’s area and the spot on the way to Abaddoth’s church. The Totem fights are far more difficult than other Totems though.
Even though 90% of my play time in FG is morgoneths tomb, I have 1/3 amount celestial lotus compared to eldritch essences.
Surprising to me, I’ve ran Tomb tons of times on multiple occasions for Magi rings, Morgoneth’s set and a Morgoneth’s ring and I was getting rained on by Lotus.
Agreed. That guy is rather useless. I mean we do have a smith who turns the main game resources into Ashes of Malmouth resources, we should have a similar one for the Forgotten God resources. Celestial Lotus is even harder to farm than Eldritch Essence. Nemesis bosses sometimes drop it, but the currently best way is visiting the areas unlocked in 18.1 and hoping to find the Celestial Totems AND hope at least one of the summoned Scions of Hunger drop one.
The Scions used to drop it far more often before the latest update, now I at most get 1-2 from one Tomb of Morgoneth run. Back when the area was added, I could get 3-5 even.
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