It doesn’t break any records, but it does okay. But as you can see, the above change won’t make things pretty. This conversion will basically “kill the build”. And I already checked - no, there’s no chest piece that comes even close to this one. That acid and phys res are a real boon to this build on top of % pierce damage and valuable skill points.
So can this conversion be moved to the Luminari gun instead? It will change nothing for those who use the full set and at the same time won’t mess up builds that use that jacket in pierce builds.
And while I’m at it, is it possible to receive extra duration on Devouring Swarm conduits (both pierce and chaos)? It’s kind of a PITA to recast it every ~4 seconds, and investing 10 points to get just 1 second duration sounds pretty steep.
I only took note of this recently as well (perhaps this should be moved to the public test forum?).
I didn’t realise when I was first glossing over changes but the conversion moving from the medal to the chest hurts the Elemental Horn of Gandarr character I put together some time ago.
Most options to replace the conversion mean a significant loss elsewhere whether it’s breaking the full Rimetongue set or losing conversion for example if I swap out the Spelldrinker for Empyrion’s Mercy and see whether it’s still worth keeping Attak Seru or not - which was the main starting point I had for the character to begin with.
Without making any adjustments for the playtest to account for the loss, in-game damage loss is about 8k sheet DPS on Horn of Gandarr going from 100% conversion to 70% (45% Fire + 25% Cold via stat re-rolls) and an unknown amount of damage loss on Grenado. Twin Fangs, Seal of Blades/Whirling Blades, the twin Fire Lance ring procs and a couple of flat Pierce damage sources like Arcane Empowerment are the only other places where the conversion will have mattered.
In practice, it still feels relatively fine to play while clearing crowds and Heroes, though maybe a little slow at some points but still fine. It can still meet my goals on endgame kills like Lokarr though it feels noticeably harder and takes about 10-20% longer now. Whether that’s enough of a difference to warrant the change being reverted or not I don’t know . Personally, it still does irk me ever so slightly though - call it OCD over having perfect conversions before and no longer having that feeling and the ultimatum of being forced to accept losses, try to make changes while minimising losses (if this is even possible) or worst case - just scrapping the build completely and starting over to see if I can recreate something with a similar playstyle but stronger.
Yeah, moving conversions around at this point is bound to hurt at least some builds - non-meta ones especially.
True that! It discomforts me as well XD I mean, I could use some other item instead and make the build more inferior, but why should I if this one was fine? Just because some different build overperformed and it had to be tamed?
Although I agree with you, that established items shouldn’t get hit with conversions that could ruin builds (this is an excellent example of that), I don’t think your build is too difficult to fix, because you essentially have an unused affix on your Conduit with your chaos resistance at 70%+ overcapped.
It’s not your fault so if you need to fix it in the upcoming patch just use GDStash to give yourself a Conduit with acid resistance and replace the chest piece with Goredrinker or something. At least that’s my opinion on what you should do.
Yeah I understand what you mean, but the thing is, no one ever should be “forced” to use third party tools to fix their stuff, just because reasons. I mean, if Luminari set is focused on elemental damage, why have % pierce on it in the first place? And what about diversity where a single item can be used on multiple different builds? Those are just rhitorical questions, though =)