M Reforged Chains of Oleron has fallen behind its competitors too much

M Reforged Chains of Oleron used to have +1 to all skills in Soldier and +1 to all skills in Oathkeeper, making it a carefree choice to physical Warlord. However, it’s now no longer a good choice. It has fallen behind its competitors too much. I reviewed the forums and mad_lee’s and banana_peel’s Youtube Channel, and found hardly any endgame physical soldier build using this belt. In most cases a physical soldier build uses Ugdenbog Girdle and M Gladiator’s Distinction. There are, however, 3 builds that I found using M Reforged Chains of Oleron. They are:

  1. A Spellscourge Battlemage ([] Devastating Spellscourge Battlemage, Max Block Cooldown Tank (Video))
    It’s more like a for-fun build rather than a general farming build. I don’t mean to offend but 2600 OA is too low to a physical build.

  2. and 3. Non-set and Markovian Blitz WL by banana_peel(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmnMfBVq3zA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyUZ0slP878)
    With the popularity of Chains of Anguish among physical builds, these two builds seem to have their updates too.

This means M Reforged Chains of Oleron is almost a dead gear in the aspect of pick rate.

Then let’s compared it with its main competitors:

  1. M Reforged Chains of Oleron vs Ugdenbog Girdle

M Reforged Chains of Oleron has much fewer % resistance, lower % physical damage. It does not have any OA/DA, CC res, or %armor. Let alone a positive conversion. Its only advantages are some flat physical damage and a touch of crit damage. However, a physical build has more urgent needs for % resistance and OA than flat physical damage and crit damage. Thus when people really need +1 to soldier, they will most likely choose Ugdenbog Girdle.

  1. M Reforged Chains of Oleron vs M Gladiator’s Distinction

This comparasion is generally among some 2H physical builds (Gutsmasher EoR WL, BA Witchblade, Cadence DK, etc). In those situations, +1 to Soldier are not that important, but M Gladiator’s Distinction provides much much better stats when equiped with a 2H weapon, in every aspect. Besides, M Gladiator’s Distinction provides 100% vit2phys conversion, which are extremely important to physical Witchblade and DK because they have high flat vitality damage. Thus there is no reason for using M Reforged Chains of Oleron.

  1. M Reforged Chains of Oleron vs Chains of Auguish
    Well, I should say, when the debuff proc is cleverly eschewed, Chains of Auguish is too much stronger than M Reforged Chains of Oleron. Especially Chains of Auguish provides high ADctH that physical builds urgently need.

In conclusion, M Reforged Chains of Oleron is too stats-lacking to be a considerable option.

Additionally, if you regard it as a retal belt, the reality will be even more horrible.

M Reforged Chains of Oleron vs M Ulzuin’s Torment
Damn. See how helpless M Reforged Chains of Oleron is?

At last, I’m giving some suggestions based on my knowledge and experience. Either of the following options will help. Sort by recommendation level(from high to low):

  1. Add OA/DA that are similar to suffix “Of Attack”/“Of Readiness”. The flat physical damage can be adjusted (reduced a little) accordingly. This means M Reforged Chains of Oleron will have similar OA/DA, a little higher damage, but poorer % resistance than Ugdenbog Girdle. Or lower damage, much poorer % resistance, but some extra OA/DA. Then M Reforged Chains of Oleron and Ugdenbog Girdle can compete fairly, and there can be a better Builds Diversity.

  2. Totally regarding M Reforged Chains of Oleron as a hybrid physical/retal belt. In this case it should catch up with M Ulzuin’s Torment, more or less. Increase its retaliation damage and % retaliation damage to the same level as M Ulzuin’s Torment, and if possible, add a small touch of OA (like 28-42).

Personally I think there has to be some changes to M Reforged Chains of Oleron to make it optional. The two suggestions I mentioned above are based on my comparison between these belts and considerations of making M Reforged Chains of Oleron better in SOME cases than its competitors (on the other hand, it’s still weaker in the other cases. For example, the build has some problem in stacking % resistance (warborn set builds, for example)).

Thanks for reading.

Comparing a MI belt with two affixes that are random with a legendary belt to make the latter look bad is definitely a weird thing to do.

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It may be weird, but I think it’s reasonable, based on:

  1. It is a single-rare affix MI that can be bought from shop. It’s very easy to get access to.

  2. Devastating + of Ruin is only for example. As long as the combination is a rare affix with % physical damage + a magic/rare affix with % physical damage/Aggrssive/Stalwart/Of Attack/Of Readiness, Ugdenbog Girdle will be way stronger.

98% of the literal hundreds upon hundreds of Ugdenbog Girdles i have gotten have been with bad affixes, and that includes reseting the Ancient Grove shop. Not as easy to get as you claim.

Plus, i’m gonna say this is an assumption, but Zantai never, ever uses MIs as evidence that a legendary needs buffs.

If you want to argue this, I would say M Reforged Chains of Oleron has no guaranteed looting so it’s not easy to get either. Does the “98%” really make sense?

Taking Ugdenbog Girdle for a comparison is because they are competing each other directly, when it comes to Soldier’s belt and Soldier build construction. Besides, if you take a look at other +1 to all XX skills belt, M Reforged Chains of Oleron is still one of the least valuable ones and has fallen too much behind the others.

It can drop from anywhere and it has guarranteed stats. Far easier to get and far easier to build around than a MI belt with random affixes. So yes, the 98% makes sense when one is far easier to get.

So again, comparing MIs to legendaries to make legendaries look bad doesn’t help your case since i’m pretty sure legendaries were never buffed because of competing MIs. MIs in general are meant to replace legendaries because their affixes give them more stats than legendaries.

It does not have a blueprint, and it’s not as easy as you claim to get. You need to take several or even tens of, when you’re unlucky, SR/CR runs to get one, which takes you half an hour and more. 30 minutes means more than 15 times of reseting the Ancient Grove shop. 30 runs, if 15 is not enough, is enough to have a whatever % physical damage affix + a whatever OA/DA/% physical damage affix combination.

Only and should only be in some cases. In some cases MIs are better because with proper affixes combination they are of less shortcomings, and there is something called Bucket Effect. But this should not mean that MIs should always be better than its competitor legendary item.
M Reforged Chains of Oleron is now in no cases a optimized gear. Not only beaten by Ugdenbog Girdle but also Chains of Anguish and Gladiator’s Distinction.

And I beg you to read and understand the whole topic rather than seek a MI and make your disagreement. You’re opposing for the sake of opposition IMO. The idea is not “Reforged Chains of Oleron is worse than Ugdenbog Girdle so let’s buff it”, but “Reforged Chains of Oleron is too weak to be an endgame option in almost all cases so let’s make it a reasonable option in some specific cases”

If you disagree that M Reforged Chains of Oleron is weak and need some buff, you should give evidence of the belt being strong rather than claim MIs are meant to replace legendaries.

It seems to me that the one who has to upload evidence of why it needs to be improved is you, some farming videos in SR or crucible would not be bad

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