Manticore Deathstalker WTF!

Aura of Darkness
A creature of darkness is hunting you, shredding your resistances.
28 Meter Radius
108 Bleeding Damage per Second
-25% Total Speed
-60% Light Radius
-16% Physical Resistance
-16% Poison & Acid Resistance
-16% Bleeding Resistance

That’s his aura.

Awesome, even better than reflect mobs. :rolleyes:

Obviously I’m not overcapped enough.

Yeah um that ain’t gonna do it. This guy must have some hidden attack that Crate isn’t sharing like um lets see “reduce targets health by 100%”.

I can’t explain it either. It could have been low physical resistance/armour (it’ll at least have factored in) or something else.

There’s no way to tell for certain without seeing the gameplay but it sounds like you just got plain unlucky :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the heads up. Playing a pet class I really don’t have to deal with this bug though. Hopefully the devs respond.

Were you on hardcore? If you actually got 1 shot and not trolling or bsing just revive your character. One shots in any video game are just plain boring frustrating and not fun what so ever.

I watched someone get one shot before and it wasn’t cool. Pohx getting one shot by iron maiden.

Don’t forget that there are also lots of Carnivorous Plants all over the place that will frequently debuff your physical res by a flat 25.

Aura of Darkness
A creature of darkness is hunting you, shredding your resistances.
28 Meter Radius
108 Bleeding Damage per Second
-25% Total Speed
-60% Light Radius
-16% Physical Resistance
-16% Poison & Acid Resistance
-16% Bleeding Resistance


I haven’t played new dungeon much, so - where’s the kitty to try it out.
First or the second area? Or a secret one?
I did full clear a couple of times, the only hero manticore I’ve ever met was in the very beginning of the dungeon.

It’s a hero so random spawn. Can spawn in Feral Thicket or Tainted Wood.

Honestly, he shouldn’t be a problem if you have physical resistance. My poison resist is at 65% and he hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary. Can I see a video of what you mean by him one hit killing you? I mean, i’ve never heard of this happening before so i’m a little surprised lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually the poison attacks from the Basilisk boss in the locked room seem much worse to me :smiley:

Phys resistance is probably not an issue. I tested it with build with only 3 phys res (non-buffed). I was hitting many times, nothing serious/unexpected happened. There are some specific circumstances when it happens.

Maybe you had high armor, a good form of absorb, posion/acid pushed way beyond 80% hard cap. Hard to tell like this:D

The issue is, that it was the same build which was one shotted…
I will do more testing…

Probably it is an issue only with combination with some other debufs from other sources. But it is very hard to notice because transition to devils crossing is very fast.

This. If someone is having trouble with the manticore boss then there’s no way in hell that they can face tank the basilisk in that boss room Lol.

Oh, failed this kitty today .
:frog: Reap double-rare boots of opieness.

That’s harsh:cry:

Second that.

I have to play AG again…I really don´t remember it could be so hard.

With the debuff on his aura and if you are hit by the poison projectile of the poison plants, that’s -41% physical resist.

This is the most probable scenario…