Manticore Deathstalker WTF!

That would have killed me, too.

I have no Physical Resist (okay, 3 %…:eek:).

The poison plants debuff only lasts a second but if you decide to fight it near a few of them. Don’t, just lure it away or try to kill the plants right away if you don’t feel like luring it away. The latter is kind of dangerous because you have the Manticore attacking you.

It doesn’t seem to happen every time, tbh.

Didn’t have a problem with him last night.

Hmmm never had a problem with him either. But I usually barelly see him : charge - debuf - bleed and run away. 200k+ bleed ticks solve this issue very quickly. I only see the dmg marks in the air while it is hidden and following me for a while :wink:
I love this dungeon, it is really bleed build friendly. I got my highest dmg record there : 480k
The unlucky one was the big poison snake boss :slight_smile:

I got wrecked twice, one with my purifier (not very tanky) and once with my tanky cadence witchblade and seemed like a spike damage both times. In general, in this dungeon i get my ass kicked - still not completed in ultimate :cry:

I honestly did AG over 100 times with one character, never died there. Manticore did 50% of my HP at max in a pack of monsters (around 20 enemies, hero monsters on top of that). Never kited, always facetanked. I don’t know how you guys keep dying so hard on that one particular monster. Even my shitty Spellbinder, that dies in two hits from any physical monster (or gets literally one shot by Gargabol’s auto attack) can handle that monster without using Mirror of Ereoctes. I don’t know, I might be either lucky or your builds are just not optimizes properly.

Yup, it’s likely build dependent.
I find the kitty too fluffy, but currently I’m running the dungeon with tanky builds so my perceptions could be distorted.

On a side note, it drops no MI?

-41% phys resist if you did not see the plant would kill you without a problem with your low 1.7k armor man.

I’ve run the dungeon with my Warder, tanky/physical, not much of a problem with kitties. Snake guy in the closed room almost got me.

But Gargamel, the evil big guy, well, his second form got me because I thought I was tanky enough to face. Did not play it again still (I’m locking horns with Lokarr right now, until I complete his set). I’ll have my revenge Gargamel!

He has a chance to drop the Deathstalker Relic blueprint.

Thanks, good to know.
With my luck it will take another year or two, though :undecided: