Market range when building house

I didn’t write this earlier bc I expected it would come next patch (since release) , but why can’t we see the market circle when we build a house?
Cmon add it already. And not just that highlight it green if it’s in range… I don’t think anyone makes houses outside a market range.

Can’t be just me who gets annoyed as shit about it and people must know about it.

I’m not angry btw :wink:

i must be anyone, :slight_smile: i set up houses in a sqaure with 8 houses to a group. total of 64 home so my corners are outside the market circle.

That’s totally unacceptable :smiley:

I think there are pages where you can map buildings such as markets or decorations, to find out if the houses are within the range, I don’t remember the pages, sorry

Not sure what you mean. All I want is to see the market circle when you place a house to build.

You can plan the city on this web page

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Thank you for the link this is most helpful.

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