Markovian's Advantage or Zolhan's Technique?


Waiting for the FG, i have the question, wich and why, do u prefer?

We know the nightbalde wps is the best, but i wanna know the forum opinion on soldier.

For the start i would say, Zolhans will get a “new meaning”, if u go with warlord and u prefer IT DMG in the up coming dlc, since oathkeeper 1 of the default attack proc has IT Dmg. (Maybe a IT candace build?)

My opinon: Right now Markovian’s is better, since the only viable IT build is around FW.

I am far from being a Soldier specialist, but for 2h melee: never pick up Markovian, always take Zolhan, for DW-melee and Sword and Shield - vice versa. For DW-ranged both are viable I think.

Since you’re waiting for FG, I say we wait for FG. Maybe the WPS will get reworked or something.

As for now, both are shit, doesn’t matter how they work, their effectiveness is kinda bad. Markovian is a total fail, imo, it does reduce DA but Blitz does it way better. Zolhan is IT focused, which I don’t really like nor see a use for (I’d rather pick it for flat damage, not DoT). It does, however, have a nice WD scaling and is AoE, which is really helpful for builds with no clear (although, Blitz, even with one point, does that better).

I’d actually use, or rather bother maxing one of these if they did something more, or did what they do now but better. Markovian could shred DA by a percentage or have a stackable DA shred (which would require it to debuff enemies instead of being a replacer, iirc) and Zolhan could just hit everything in the 120 degrees. The target limit is literally useless there, it’s a WPS so it should either be increased to 5 - 8 or removed totally, yes, Nightblade also has a target limit, but you have to use two weapons and can proc is twice as much, while Soldier is rather shield focused (it’s fine if you disagree with me, I can see reasons for disagreeing with me anyway).

Both sucks

Is Zolhan’s worth it slightly more because it slows the enemy attack rate? Might be good as a passive defensive 1-pointer since 1 point is still 15% I think? 5 points (which is easy even with early lategame +skills gear) is 25%, which as a passive, which will proc enough to sustain the debuff, is quite a sizeable amount to slow the enemy attack rate? Especially if the boss/champ concerned is an attack focused one. Just a thought, not sure if it has any value though?

Imo, both are 0-pointers. I rather add two additional points to Fighting Spirit.

While there’s no question that soldier’s WPS are lacking, ZT is somewhat decent with a 2 hander. Dunno if they’ll get reworked or not, (maybe to include some %retal to ZT) but i for one would like to see ZT in a S&B Warlord build focusing on IT damage, possibly with Beronath sword for conversion, though for IT builds a mace would be the more logical way to go. We’ll just have to wait for the new items and also for the new and reworked devotions to see what new possibilities they open up.

Depends on what you need. If you don’t have a source of DA reduction on a WPS build, then Markovian’s Advantage is going to help with that. Zolhan’s Technique helps WPS builds that are lacking in AoE (and they usually are), though the Bull Rush constellation is usually sufficient for that.

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