And the WPS work fine? Markovian used to be not DPS efficient due to its longer animation for 2h Cadence builds. The animation got sped up in I think…
Will it ever get sped up or smoothed out? It feels like its the only wps (outside of belgothian shears) that actively slows down your attack animation. Is this done for balance reasons? I’ve seen it said time and again that no one likes how it messes with the other auto attack animations… Can we please have this looked at? I think its a really cool looking animation honestly, but somehow it still just feels clunky to use.
Arent the devs on a mission to make 2 handers as well rounded as other …
Waiting for the FG, i have the question, wich and why, do u prefer?
We know the nightbalde wps is the best, but i wanna know the forum opinion on soldier.
For the start i would say, Zolhans will get a “new meaning”, if u go with warlord and u prefer IT DMG in the up coming dlc, since oathkeeper 1 of the default attack proc has IT Dmg. (Maybe a IT candace build?)
My opinon: Right now Markovian’s is better, since the only viable IT build is around FW.
Continuing the discussion from Grim Dawn Version :
Updated Jump Attack animation speed for 1h-melee and 2h-melee to match the speed used when dual wielding. This animation is used in many WPS skills and granted weapon attacks from items and components, as well as Soldier’s Markovian’s Advantage, and should result in a roughly 34% improvement.
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